Normal Girl - Cbluu

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Normal Girl- Cbluu

in this story bluu and his girlfriend Arianna are going to be going through the best time of their lives

April 5th, 2023:

cbluu already being awake watching his girlfriend come out of the room with her hair all messy and her shirt half up half down. watching her go in the kitchen. "camrin what the hell dude why is all the stuff on the counter!?" she yells making him roll his eyes and smirk, and she looks at him seeing him smirk , "what are you doing that for" arianna says smiling back hugging him after admiring him for a few seconds. "why??" camrin says. "why what??" arianna responded, "why you coming in here starting stuff then acting all normal..?" blu said.  "ionk but its hard not too every time i look at you my anger just goes away." she says pulling back from the hug. "Oh ok" he says. she was being clingy wanting his affection doing anything she can which is actually another reason why she starts sometimes.

May 7th:

"mami get ready we finna go to my mommas house." bluu says to his girlfriend

"ok hold on! im nervous ngl." she replies yelling from upstairs.

"its ok she's gonna love you like i do." he say

when they get therr

bluu knocks on the door to the house making his mom open it.
"MY SONN i haven't seen you in a long time." she says hugging him
he chuckles hugging her back while arianna stood too the side awkwardly..

"and oh whose this she's beautiful." his mom says with a shocked look

"this is my girlfriend the loml arianna" blue says smiling seeing arianna smile and hug his mom.
"oh i love her already!, come in come in "

june 13th:

"Bluu yk how you met my dad!?" arianna yells to him

"yea why??" he said scared for the response

"he said he's proud of me for choosing the right guy for me, let alone one like you" she says happy .

"he's proud?? really?" bluu asked kind of surprised but happy too.

"yup" arianna says

July 4th:

All of the guys(bluus friends) being at his house to celebrate the 4th together.

"hey guys i made yall some plates!" arianna says with a smile giving it to them
hearing thank yous and preciate it.

she walked away to the backyard with his mom.

Cbluus pov:

"dawg im glad you finally found the right girl, after all the smoochies that did you wrong" dougie says

"thank you im proud too." he said

"keep her around don't hurt lil sis" setty says and kay agreeing

"i won't wrd ta my life" bluu said surprising almost everyone because he said to his life.

August 1st 2025:

'im glad i got a normal girl' cblu thought watching his dream come true holding their newly born son in her hands while holding his other son armani in his hands so he can see his little brother...

Normal girl -Sza

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