Big Bros (TMNT)

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For Mylittleninjapony235!

Summary: Mikey and Donnie look after Raph and Leo who are in littlespace and act overprotective of them!

For this one, Raph's little age is 4 and Leo's little age is 6! 


Raph and Leo were sitting on the couch in the lair. They had both woken up regressed which was rare, which means Donnie and Mikey are the overprotective big bros today! Whenever any of the turtles were in littlespace, the other turtles would be overprotective.

This was mainly because sometimes when the turtles were regressed they were very adventurous and the others would worry about th3m getting hurt. Mikey and Donnie had their hands full today with both Leo and Raph feeling little. 

When in littlespace, Raph could be a daredevil sometimes and get into trouble and little Leo was very curious and liked to explore. The pair sat together calmly watching a kid's movie as Donnie and Mikey watched with them.

Donnie was used to feeling overprotective, since he was already a big brother to Mikey and had always been overprotective over his youngest brother. Overprotectiveness was a new feeling for Mikey.

He wasn't used to being a mother hen!

Leo was in Donnie's lap and Mikey was holding Raph in his lap so they could keep their little brothers close to them and out of trouble. When Raph and Leo regressed together, they were troublemakers.

"I love this movie!" Raph cheered as he sipped an unbreakable cup of lemonade. "Me too!" Leo had his favorite Space Heros plastic cup with grape juice. Donnie smiled. "You two having fun?" He asked.

Leo and Raph cheered. "Yeah!' Mikey awed, nuzzling his little brothers. A few minutes later, the movie was over and Raph immediately ran away to have fun. This meant havoc was about to happen!

Donnie sighed. "I'll keep an eye on Raph, you stay here with Leo!" Mikey nodded. "Okay D!" Leo then left the room and Mikey ran after him. Donnie sighed again and ran to go find Raph.

Raph ran into the kitchen and stood on a chair to reach the top of the freezer since that's where the snacks were. He climbed up on top of the freezer, grinning.

Donnie ran in and gasped. "Raph, come down from there!" He helped Raph down from the chair as the red-banded little crossed his arms and pouted. "I want a snack!" Raph grumbled, annoyed.

"If you want a snack, ask me or Mikey to get it for you." Donnie reached up and grabbed the snacks. "And please don't stand on the furniture!" Donnie lectured him, as Raph sighed and looked down.

Raph immediately grabbed  "Okay, onni-san..." Donnie hugged him gently as Raph hugged back. "Good baby brother." He helped Raph open his goldfish crackers. Raph then ate his snack happily.

Meanwhile, Mikey was trying to find Leo.
"Leo? Come out, come out whenever you are, otouto!" Mikey called as he looked around the dojo. He needed to find Leo before he ended up getting hurt.

"Hi!" Leo spoke up as he was up high in the big cherry blossom tree. Mikey's eyes widened. "Leo! You can't be up there, little dude!" He was worried that Leo would fall. Mikey had done that many times.

"But I'm having fun..." Leo frowned down at his panicking brother. "Please come down...?" Mikey asked desperately, holding his arms out to help Leo down. He was gonna have heart attack if Leo fell!

Leo sighed. "Okay ani..." He slowly came down from the tree and Mikey helped him to make sure he didn't slip. Once Leo was safely on the ground, Mikey let out the big breath he didn't know he was holding. 

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