Getting drunk again 🤭

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Josh started calling me but I declined the call.

Riley: who was that?
Mads: nobody.
Indiana: it was Josh, I saw her phone.
Mads: stay out of my phone.

I said getting out the car. He started calling again so I put my phone on silent and put it in my purse.

Riley: just answer the phone, it could be something important.
Mads: yeah right, you just want me to answer the phone so you could yell at him 'cause you lost 500 dollars to Indi and I.
Riley: duh, that's a thousand dollars I'm never going to see again.
Mads: I'm not too sure about that.

We went into DogPound.

Riley: what do you mean by that?
Mads: after we're done working out, do y'all want to go shopping?
Riley: don't try and change the subject plus you only want to shop when you're upset what's up?
Mads: nothing I just wanna go shopping.
Indiana: I'll go, I just made 500 dollars today so.

Riley gave her the finger.

Riley: I'll go but just to walk around.
Indiana: 'cause you're about to be broke?

Riley threw her water bottle at her and I just rolled my eyes and put my headphones on and started working out.

After being there for about two hours we went to the nearest clothing store dodging paparazzi. Indiana started to walk around picking up clothes and Riley was following her. On the other hand I was dodging Josh's calls 'cause I did not want to talk to him, but he just kept calling so I had no choice but to answer.

Mads: leave me alone.
Josh: Mads-
Mads: nope I don't want to hear it just leave me alone. I have a lot to do today anyway.
Josh: but I-
Mads: but I nothing. Goodbye Josh.

I hanged up and went back to doing what I was doing before he called me.

Riley: was that Josh?
Mads: nope.
Riley: yes it was.
Mads: if you already knew it was him why did you ask?
Riley: I wanted to see if you would lie. Why didn't you let me talk to him?
Mads: you mean yell at him?
Riley: same difference.
Mads: you have his number, you can give him a call.
Riley: don't you think I tried?
Mads: nope.
Indiana: ok, I'm ready to go.

We went Indiana's car.

Indiana: you didn't get anything?
Mads: no.
Indiana: then why did you want to go?
Riley: her mood was ruined by Josh calling her.
Mads: no it wasn't.
Riley: yeah it was.
Indiana: wait she answered the phone when Josh called?
Mads: no.
Riley: yes you did.
Mads: shut up.
Indiana: why is she so mad at him?
Mads: 'cause he doesn't learn anything; neither does she.
Riley: I really do feel like something was going on with them.
Indiana: that's impossible she's got a boyfriend.
Riley: secret boyfriend.

Mads: I don't have a boyfriend let alone a secret boyfriend for the last fuckin' time. Him and I stopped talking weeks ago.
Indiana: when?
Mads: weeks ago.
Riley: when were you going to tell us.
Mads: never.
Riley: why?
Mads: can we go home? I wanna go out today.
Indiana: where? I wanna come.
Riley: I wanna go too.
Mads: I'm not going out with either of you. I want to go out by myself. I need some space and time to think.
Riley: are you sure you're okay?
Mads: never better.
Indiana: liar.
Mads: shut up.

*A few hours later*

Indiana: what are you doing?
Mads: shhh.

I finish taking the photo and calling an Uber.

Mads: ok, I'm about to leave.

I grabbed my keys.

Indiana: where are you going?
Mads: if I tell you, you would either come get me or want to come.
Indiana: well now I know it's not a date.
Mads: goodbye.

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