Worth it? 🤭

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I got in the passenger seat.

Riley: what was that about?
Mads: don't worry about it.
Riley: is Josh your-
Mads: don't finish that sentence, I don't have a boyfriend and no Josh isn't the person I'm talking to.
Riley: I'm going to find out.
Mads: just drive so we can get that moron into bed and I can get out of this uncomfortable outfit.

*The next day*

Indiana: ugh.
Mads: Merry Christmas woman!

I yelled in her ear.

Indiana: stop it!
Mads: that's what you get for drinking so much.
Riley: leave the girl alone, we didn't do that to you when you were drunk.
Mads: yeah you did.
Riley: no we- oh yeah we did.
Mads: mhm.
Riley: just leave the girl alone.

*Three months later*

Josh: no, you said you would spend the whole day with me.
Mads: I was but I have to meet up with two of my friends.
Josh: can't you just meet up them tomorrow.
Mads: no because they're waiting on me right now. Now give me back my bra.
Josh: I don't have it.

I gave him a look.

Josh: fine.
Mads: thank you.

I got dress and started putting my shoes on.

Josh: why did you make plans to meet up with them today?
Mads: because I need to speak with them.
Josh: today?
Mads: I don't complain when you make plans with the two dumbbells or Anthony.
Josh: again today?
Mads: yes, I'll be back in like two or three hours.
Josh: three hours?!
Mads: that's not that bad. Why are you being so needy?
Josh: I'm not being needy.
Mads: oh really? I'll see you next week then.
Josh: oh wait hold on-
Mads: point proven.
Josh: that doesn't make me needy.
Mads: but this conversation is making me late. You have a podcast to record and I have friends to meet up with so goodbye.
Josh: fine.

I gave him a quick kiss then pulled away but he pulled me back in. After twenty seconds he pulled away.

Mads: you did that on purpose.
Josh: and it was effective.

He winked at me and I slapped him.

Mads: bye don't wait up.

I walked out the door.

*Twenty minutes later*

Amira: it's about damn time.
Mads: I'm sorry I got held up.
Kenzie: held up doing?
Mads: we'll get into that soon, how are you guys doing?
Amira: we're good, now what were you doing that made you late?
Mads: I was with Josh.
Kenzie: ou- don't you have a secret boyfriend?
Mads: I don't have a boyfriend and who told you that?
Amira: so you do?
Mads: no and who told y'all that?
Amira: your sister.
Mads: ugh I'm gonna kill her.
Kenzie: do you though?
Mads: no...and I'm not evening seeing anyone. I just said that so Riley and Indi could leave me alone.
Amira: so where do you be going when you leave their apartment.
Mads: I go to Josh's.
Amira: so you stay at Josh's overnight, nice.
Mads: let me start from the beginning.

Mads: Josh wanted to get revenge on Jaden and Nessa by fake dating. Vinnie asked were we going to hook up. I said no the only way I would do that is if I was black out drunk. Then the next day I told Ri and Indi and they started making bets on Josh and I also Nessa.
Kenzie: what about her?
Mads: we bet that he was going to let Nessa back in his life. That night I went to a bar with Jordan and Josh and Anthony showed up. I was drunk and started saying this like: we can hook up now.
Amira: woah.
Mads: I know. He took me back to his place because I was too drunk to drive and Jordan brought my car to his place then went Ri and Indi's.
Kenzie: why didn't she take you with her?
Mads: I don't know but when I got to his I kissed him then I passed out.
Amira: you initiated the kiss?
Mads: yeah but I was drunk. The next day Josh told me what happened and later on that day we hooked up.

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