Chelsea XLIV

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Okay, I lied.

As much as I love this baby, they sure are causing me a bit of pain.

I am 20 weeks in, the morning sickness has stopped but it was horrible at the start. My cravings are weird and it makes Jordyn have bad stims. My back hurts and I'm tired. All the time. I can still do my laces but it won't be long until Jordyn will have to do them for me. She said it won't be long before she takes another leave of absence.

We're going to the doctors today to see the gender. Just so we know who to buy for, you know?

I hold Jordyn's hand as she drives. My bump is showing and she's practically in love with it. I'm not sure if I should be jealous or not.

We arrive at the hospital and Jordyn has to help me get out of the car and steady me when I do get down. I'm clumsy anyway, so this added weight is not helping, but I'm sure it'll be worth it.

We head inside and wait for our doctor to call us in. She finally does and goes through what's going to happen. Like I haven't had an ultrasound before.

She puts the cold jelly on my bump and puts the ultrasound probe on my stomach.

"Alright, so here's the baby. There's the head, the arms, the torso and I can see their little legs." the doctor said.

"Aw! Jordyn look, it's our baby." I whine and grab her hand.

"Alright, baby is healthy."

"That's great news! We got a healthy baby." Jordyn says.

"And I have the gender for you, if you'd like to know." the doctor smiles.

"Yes please."


A week later.

So we are having a baby shower and everyone is in our back yard. All of Jordyn's siblings, my sister, my niece, Camilla, Chloe, our parents, grandparents and a few cousins, aunties and uncles.

"Auntie Chelsea? Why's your belly so big? Did you eat too much?" my six year old niece asks me.

"No! There's a baby in my tummy!"

"Why did you eat a baby?!" Lucy shrieks.

"I didn't. That's just how babies grow. They grow in their mommy's tummy, and when they're done with mommy, they come out." I explain in the most child friendly way.

"So you're growing a baby in your tummy?"

"Yeah, I am. And the baby will be your cousin."

"So cool! Can I touch it?"

"Sure." I chuckle and let my niece feel my baby bump. She giggles and runs off, probably to Amber.

"Chelsea! Hi!" I hear Chloe shout for me.

"Dang. You're twenty-two and already having kids."

"It's better to start while I'm still fertile, I guess." I shrug.

"It's pretty nice out, huh? Not too hot, not too cold, just right. Perfect September weather." Chloe says.

"Since when did you care about weather?" I ask, kind of disgusted that she talked about such a thing.

"Oh, I just thought because you're going to be a Mom, that weather would be a topic we'd talk about a lot. I'm just preparing myself."

I scoff and hit Chloe's arm playfully.

"Shut up." I mumble.

I think Jordyn and Tina have nearly finished with the barbecue and I am starving. And so is baby. Baby is hungry.

"I think food is almost done." I tell her as I walk towards my wife and mother-in-law.

"Hey, is food nearly done? I am hungry." I ask my wife.

"Yeah, just waiting on the ribs. How's the baby?"

"Hungry." I deadpan.

"Nearly there, darling." she coos to me while stroking my hair back. I can't help but smile at her loving behaviour.

At last, food is finished and obviously because I'm the mommy of the day I get first dibs, and I have to eat for two as well. We're both starving.

I find a chair to sit on and devour the food I had. Five minutes later, Jordyn sits next to me and notices my empty plate.

"Hungry?" she asks, pointing to my empty plate.

"It was the baby." I pout.

"You want more?"

I nod slowly and Jordyn goes and gets me more food. What a lovely woman.

She brings my plate back and I take my time with this load since baby seems to be okay now.

After everyone finishes, Jordyn and I get up and stand where everyone can see us.

"Thank you all for coming to our baby shower. It means a lot. I'm sure when the baby grows up, we'll tell 'em how many people came and how many people love and look out for them. That being said, it's getting really hard to keep the baby's pronouns gender neutral now that I know what we're having, so we'll do the gender reveal right now!" Jordyn announces.

Everyone cheers and claps as we ready the cannons.

"Someone do a countdown!" I shout.

"Three... Two... One!"

We twist the cylinders and the powder that shows the gender flies out. Everyone cheers and claps for their new family member.

I've never been so happy in my life. All of my dreams of having a little family with Jordyn are coming true. And I have a small little coffee shop to thank.

Without it, I probably would never had met Jordyn. Or I would've, but we'd never see each other on a regular basis again.

I definitely didn't see myself getting married and having a baby at twenty-two. I thought I was going to finish school become a teacher. But now, I'm aspiring to be an author and I'm very close to finalising the story before I send it off to publishers. I started learning the drums and I'm actually really good now. I assembled my first desk on the first try. My wife is proud of me and that gives me the pride in myself I deserve to have. I'm proud of my life, and the person that I am. My wife is proud. And one day, I hope that my children will be proud to have me as their Mom.

And when my baby grows up, I hope I can be proud of the woman she's going to become. I want to be proud to call her my daughter. She'll be my little girl, forever and always.

I can't wait for my daughter's arrival.

She's not even here yet and she's already my everything, along with her Mama.

I'll see you soon little one. I love you.

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