Chelsea XXVIII

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It's been a week, and we've heard nothing. They still haven't found Jordyn and I'm starting to freak out. Jordyn's family have been staying with me. Making sure that we're all together when she is found.

"If you bite your lip any harder, it'll bleed." I hear Apollo say.

"I know. I'm just so worried. The longer she's under there, the more it saddens me. I'm pretty sure she's gone." I express.

"I wouldn't be too sure of that. Our family's bodies are something else. How do you think she became a firefighter at such a young age?"

"How old were the others when they became firefighters?" I ask.

"Mid twenties. Jordyn was twenty when she started. Then she got promoted last year. Then promoted again last month." Apollo explains.

"So you're saying that there's a chance that Jordyn is still alive?"

"If she loves you a lot. I wouldn't put it past her." she says before leaving me alone in my confusion.

What the fuck was that supposed to mean?

I turn my attention back to the TV and the news. They're just showing pictures of the Royal Family, they're talking about how the Princess of Wales has announced that she's in a relationship, but won't disclose who. I look over to Hayley to she how's she doing, it's gotta be tough to hear that your crush is in a relationship.

But she's smiling like a dork. When she sees me staring. She puts her fingers to her lips and a silly grin on her face. I realise what she means now and I smile for the first time in a while.

I turn my attention back to the TV.

"This just in. A firefighter has been pulled from the rubble of a business building that collapsed last week. The identity has been confirmed as Captain Jordyn Rogerstone-Montgumery. ELAD Hospital confirms that the firefighter is alive, but remains in critical condition. Best wishes from Foxx News for her recovery. "

I practically jump off of the couch and find my shoes. As does everyone else. Suddenly the apartment was alive.

I was the first one out, followed by Jaydyn and Fender. They drive me to the hospital she's at and I rush in like a mad woman.

"How can I help you today, miss?" asks the lady at the desk.

"Jordyn Rogerstone-Montgumery?" I say, a little out of breath.

She gives me her room number and I bolt to the elevator. Jaydyn and Fender slip in to, but we've already lost the rest of the family.

We reach the appropriate floor and I rush down the hallway to her room.

I burst through the door, only to find a lifeless body with tubes and wires attached to it. She's so still. This is not my Jordyn.

I walk over to her and kiss her lips gently. Though it was slightly difficult because the tubes down her throat were in the way.

"Oh, Jordyn. Baby." I say as I carefully lean my forehead against hers. The breathing machine forces air in and out of her lungs and I can't stand the sound of it.

"Come back to me." I whisper.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up and see Jaydyn and Fender looking down at me.

"I'd be careful. We know nothing about her condition." Jaydyn advises.

I nod and hesitantly pull back.

It's not long before the whole family show up and a few others who look a little bit like Tina.

"Somehow, she she was shielded from most of if not all of the collapsed debris. She's only this bad because her oxygen tank ran out and she couldn't breath through her mask." says a Tina-look-a-like in dark blue scrubs and a white coat.

"Do we know how long it will be until she wakes up?" Tina asked.

"No. It could be days, weeks, months or maybe even years." the woman said.

"I'm scared, Audrey." Kate said.

The woman who I now know as Audrey replies, "I know. And so am I. But we're lucky she's still alive at all. Who knows how long she went without oxygen."

Audrey leaves soon after and Tina introduces me to the others, who are her sisters.

So far, I've met Audrey and Quinn, who are twins, Esther and her wife Marley, Adrianna and her twin, Hunter. Tina said she has two other sisters and a crap tonne of brothers I have to meet yet.

And I am becoming awfully aware that this is a very gay family. All of the women are married to women. And then their kids, or should I say daughters, are also with other women.

I think everything has just hit me because I start laughing to myself. Then it turns into giggling. And now I'm laughing my head off.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll stop." I try to get out. But more laughter comes. Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy. Which I think I am at this point.

"What's so funny?" someone asks.

"It's just. I meet a girl in a cafe that I work at and drooled over her everyday that I saw her. Then we start dating. My dad cheats on my mom and the woman I'm dating becomes my niece's auntie. Then I meet her parents and finally I'm her girlfriend. I meet all of her family and by this point I'm head over heels. Then we love each other. Now I'm having dreams about marrying her and having kids and she's in a goddamn coma! Some sick joke this universe is playing on me. So I'll laugh. I'll laugh at it! Real funny joke!" I scream. I look up and around at nothing in particular.

"You got me! Joke is over. Let her wake up now! You got me. I've been pranked. You win. Let her open her eyes and tell me that she loves me. Let her breathe, goddammit! Please. Wake her up!" I beg and scream and cry to the universe.

"You got me! I'm done! You've had your laugh. Now give her back to me."

Everyone is dead silent.

"Are you deaf?! Can't you listen? Can you not hear me? I am screaming and shouting and crying at you! How can you not hear me? Give her back to me! Please. I love her. I want to marry her! Have her kids. I want my life to revolve around Jordyn. Is that too much to ask? Have I run out of favours for you?"

I feel a hand slip into mine and another one in my other. I like to my left and right, it's Kate and Tina.

"I know a place where you can scream at the universe." Kate says.

I nod at her to lead the way and she takes me to her car. And Tina tags along as well.

We drive for a long time. Tina said that we're heading North of LA. All I can see is sand and dead shrub whizzing past my window. Eventually, we roll to a stop and Tina and Kate get out. We're just on the side of the road. Nowhere in particular.

I follow their lead and go with them. They're walking further of road. About a hundred metres to the right of the road we just came off of. Kate stops suddenly, her back towards us.

She drops to her knees and let's out a blood curdling scream. I have literally goosebumps on my arms. This is a grieving mother.

"Why?" she screams to the horizon.

Tina steps forward and paces about fifteen metres from Kate, to the left. She also drops to her knees. She let's out a scream that was twice as scary and heart wrenching. But as Tina screams, which is a lot, she falls onto her side and continues the horrible sound. I can't take it any longer. I run, no, sprint about fifty metres away from them both. And start screaming myself.

"Why? Why Jordyn? Why us?" I shout. My fists tighten and my whole body tenses up. I can still hear Tina and Kate's screams. And it only encourages me.

"She had so much to do! Forgive me for being selfish, but she had a goddamn woman to marry. Me! She needs to marry me! She has kids to have! And love! And cherish! She has a family who needs her! Please. Stop this sick joke you're playing. It's not funny anymore! Enough is enough. I'm done now! Stop it! Stop it! Stop! It!" I fall to the ground and bring my knees to my chest. I cry and cry and sob and sob. Hot tears burn my cheeks as they pool on the sand.

A cool breeze sweeps across my body and it assures me. It was her. No doubt about it. Jordyn is with me, and she knows I love her...

When Fire Meets CoffeeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin