The Secret Within Slytherin House - Part 3

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#11,292+words Edited --/--/----

Pairing: Draco/Hermione

A/N: I'll be skipping a year or so in this chapter - Jayne


Hermione POV

My first year at Hogwarts was simply figuring out where I stood in the magical world, learning about magic and focusing on studying, my second year came and went quickly but with a difference, the warning the headmaster gave in his opening speech made me wary but I didn't stop my 'misfortunes' completely, the other houses where also unhappy with the headmaster, no-matter who it was students were talking about what he said that night and no-one could forget the look in his eyes as he looked over the hall, the only thing I was glad about was that he didn't focus his words to Slytherin house, I've overheard a lot of the older Slytherin's say that the headmaster has never liked the house covered in green and silver but as the headmaster he has no right in having a favourite house or student and though the Gryffindor's still got away with a lot of things,

They too were wary now, mostly because the other houses were beginning to show how they feel about them being without consequences for their actions, the older students from each house except theirs have begun to settle some scores or they are getting sneakier on doing it, but the warning the headmaster gave that first night didn't help with certain people, certain members of that house now use it as an excuse to be more harsher either with their pranks or the bullying knowing they would get away with it and while slytherin house has always known this to be fact, it has finally been shown to other houses more clearly, I had noticed that the Weasley started smirking at some of the first years that had joined and knew he would be targeting them with his bullying, it was why I had told professor snape that I couldn't stop it completely

When professor snape left the common room that night and we were all left to ourselves, I knew I had to get to my dorm before being stopped because now that the news that it was I that had been doing it, they would want to know why and some of them might not care for the reason and were just happy that a Gryffindor was getting pranked by someone from their house, even if it is a muggleborn doing the pranking

Flashback Start

When professor snape finally left the room, I quickly made my way to my dorm room before anyone could say something, I wasn't happy that he told all of slytherin house that I was the one who was doing the 'misfortunes' to certain people but now they know, I sighed in relief as I finally made it to my dorm, quickly getting inside, the older snakes might like the fact that I'm pranking the lions but they wouldn't care that it's because of someone bullying a muggleborn witch, I made my way to my bed and decided to get started on unpacking my trunk -one that Lady Rowle helped me pick out- I shook my head I still couldn't believe that my aunt allowed me to go to another persons home, all without knowing them, I sighed to myself knowing that Rowle and the others are going to be impossible now that they know for certain it was me, I had figured out that they had an idea that it was me but now they all know that for definitely

I was sitting on the floor going through my books for the new term before suddenly remembering that I didn't pick up my new class schedule for this year, I sighed heavily knowing full well that I had to go back downstairs but not really wanting too, I was still thinking about it when my dorm room door opened, I looked up and saw my dormmates filling in, though the boys were standing in the open doorway, I raised an eyebrow to them and waited "you forgot your schedule" daphne mentioned as she moved closer to me with a sheet of paper, I nod my head "thank you" I had a quick look over it and then went about sorting the books I would need for tomorrow classes "why didn't we know, what you were doing to the lions" I heard draco ask casually, I looked over my shoulder and stared into his grey/blue eyes "I didn't think anyone would care about why I was doing it, in the first place" I commented slowly, before turning back around

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