Why her? (8)

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(4120 words)

Jimin and Rose got divorced instead of the company worsening it actually improved quite a lot. People were a bit uncomfortable when watching how disgusting Jimin was with the clothes he would make the breast looks bigger and ass for no reason. While for Namjoon he only did small touches and they look fabulous. It's nice to say he's getting loved by his looks and incredible intelligent. For y/n, she's been at her house doing nothing but lay down on her bed wondering what she really felt for Rose or Jisoo. For Jisoo it was nothing special at all it was like a best friend. However for Rose it was more than that. But she didn't wanted it to be like that

If what she felt was really love..would she like to spend time with Rose like that? Rose treating her like garbage and telling her how ugly she looks while the other stair and die for her. What if Rose does the same she did to Jimin? Could y/n take it? Was her money the only thing she was interested in? Was y/n more famous and rich than Rose? No, she wasn't Rose was definitely better she just couldn't under why would Rose even want her.

Rose said she's ugly and terrifying why would she want y/n to be the one to please her needs if she's not as beautiful as the others. Why fight for a monster?

Jisoo: Y/n?

Y/N: What are you doing here?

Jisoo: Rose told me to check up on you. You haven't been to work since..I don't know how long but I haven't seen you in a while is everything ok?

Y/N: Yes, It's just I don't know what to do

Jisoo: Tell me maybe I can help

Y/N: I think I might like Rose

Jisoo: Oh..

Y/N: I thought of you too but I just can't think of you as anything as friends

Jisoo: It's crazy to say that's I liked you not now but before

Y/N: Wait you did?!

Jisoo: Yes, maybe more earlier than Rose. If you would of spend more time with me maybe it would of been different

Y/N: Sorry

Jisoo: It's no once fault. I'm glad I'm over you tho. Rose isn't

Y/N: What?

Jisoo: Look I don't know what's going on with you and Rose but what I came to tell you is that Rose misses you a lot. I know she doesn't shows it a lot but I know deep down she does.

Y/N: Do you think she likes me?

Jisoo: Likes you? I think she would die for you

Y/N: But Im a monster

Jisoo: You're not ugly. You were never ugly you just didn't know how to dressed up. Get dressed up I will wait

Y/N: Who said Im going?

Jisoo: I did so hurry up before I spank you

Y/N: Fine

Y/n showered and put on some clothes on. Jisoo helped y/n do her hair. Instead of applying makeup she just added sunscreen and chapstick.

Jisoo: Don't worry she's still the same person as before

Y/N: Not even a bit nicer?

Jisoo: I don't know, you're y/n she treats you differently

Arriving to the building Jisoo got her inside as
y/n hesitated to even go up the stairs leading to Rose office

Y/N: I can't

Jisoo: Really? Close your eyes and.. inside you go

Jisoo open the door pulling y/n inside and shutting the door behind her

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