"I bet I can do that with my hair as well", Fili said to Kili.

"We will follow the river down, around those boulders", Thorin ordered, pointing out the spot he was talking of. "You can join us after your bath", he said to Andy. She nodded in agreement, looking at the bubbles that rose when she breathed out her nose under water.

"Okay", she spoke and spat out some water that filed her mouth. "If you hear me scream or see my lifeless body floating down the stream, please move your backsides over and help me. "

"Great", Dwalin muttered as the rest of the company headed down the river. "Now one of us will have to keep watch for bodies in the water, if we want to be able to relax a little. "

As soon as they were out of sight, Andy swam back to shore and undressed fully. With a splash she jumped back in. Using the lemon soap she stole in Rivendell, she scrubbed all the blood and sweat off her body and hair. She hadn't felt so clean since she left that place. Thinking about it, it was only a few days ago. But in those few days a lot of things happened. After lying in the water for another while, enjoying the refreshing cold Andy started to freeze and got out. After getting dressed, she limped around the boulders, a hand over her eyes.

"Nineteen, twenty! Ready or not, here I come!", Andy called as she rounded the boulders, making every dwarf aware of her presence. A few moments later, she took her hand from her face. As fast as her foot allowed, she walked over to Bifur, Gloin and Bombur, who were already finished with bathing and sat around a pit, filled with firewood. Glion slid to the side, making place for her to sit down. She did so, facing away from the water full of bathing dwarves.

"Well Lassie, nice to see your face free of all the blood", Gloin spoke, giving her a short smile before smoking his pipe again. Andy's jaw dropped. Gloin disliked her since the beginning of the journey. It was the first time he spoke to her, without hatred or mistrust in his voice. And then it was a compliment!

"Thanks. I guess", she said, disbelieve still written all over her face. Bifur across of her, grunted something that once in a while sounded like Khuzdul and made gestures with his hands, nodding with a smile. Not completely understanding what he meant, Andy looked at him with a crunched-up face. Bifur let out a frustrated sigh and waved Bofur over.

"He says thank you for rescuing us back there. ", Bofur called, getting dressed.

"No problem. You'd have done it as well. "

Bifur tried talking to her again. His face was concentrated and he stumbled over his gibberish, frustrated that it didn't work.

"What is he trying to do?", Andy asked Bofur. He gave her a sad smile.

"Trying to talk. See, the axe in his head damages his brain. Now he can hardly speak Khuzdul. Common tongue is in impossible. "

Andy nodded and looked at the frustrated Bifur. "Hey, Bifur", she got his attention and lifted her hands and started signing. Do you know Sign language?

His face lit up with joy as he immediately stated brabbling on.

How do you know sign language? Why didn't you tell me earlier? Now I can talk to you too!

"I learned it from a deaf friend of mine. I didn't know you knew", she smiled at him, seeing how exited he got.

"What are you guys talking about?", Kili asked as he stepped next to them, half dressed. Overjoyed Bifur babbled a few words in Khuzdul. Kilis eyes widened in surprise.

"Really?", he asked Andy. A little sheepish she nodded. Normally people would look at her weirdly, when she revealed a skill like that. This was a welcoming surprise for her. Within second, the whole company was gathered around them, asking her to sign for them. They all knew a little, so they could communicate better with Bifur. However, they spoke Khuzdul, so they still had another way to understand him. Andy actually could too, but didn't tell them. Otherwise, they would start to wonder and ask questions.

The Adventure of Andrea BagginsWhere stories live. Discover now