1 Year Later

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Inside a thick forest full of trees, wild bushes, and flowers, there was a tiny cottage owned by Lelouch and C.C. In fact, they built their own cottage from the scratch with the help of a loyal friend, Sebastian. They decided to build a home inside the forest because it was miles away from the people and more peaceful.

In the morning, Lelouch was reading a newspaper at the coffee table, when he looked at the small section on a similar page. A small grin appeared on his lips.

"Tuesday paper, huh" C

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"Tuesday paper, huh" C.C. rested her chin lazily on top of his head with a cup of coffee in her hand. She was half-awake since she is not a morning person but she pushed herself to wake up at the same time as her husband. 

"Yeah. Read it" Lelouch showed her the section. He saw her hand wobbling while holding the hot coffee cup, so he took it from her grasp carefully and drank it. She knew what it is, every Tuesday his lil sister, Nunally will publish a small section on a paper about 'Letter to my beloved one'. Well, clearly it was written for her brother, who was grinning like an idiot right now.

You know what it means, right? C.C. grinned mischievously at him. He will be in a great mood for the whole day. Good for her!

"Lelouch, let's go to the town today," said she with a sleepy voice. "Sure." He nodded without thinking twice and continued reading the paper. She grinned happily and felt all the sleepiness disappear in a flash. He fell straight into her trap. 

She felt very excited today because it was very hard to persuade him to go to the town with her. He was afraid that people would recognize him or attract unnecessary attention. But today, both of them will go meaning...'It would be a date!' Thought her happily before going to their room to get ready. 


They visited every store that was open in the town. Lelouch observed all the stores and people around them in silence. C.C. noticed that and pinched his cheeks quickly, "Don't stare at people, honey. It's rude." 

Lelouch was surprised by the sudden contact and stuttered, "I-I'm not." She laughed as it was funny for her to see him nervous like a child. "Relax. Just enjoy yourself and don't worry about anything else, okay?" Lelouch let out a sigh and shrugged, "Sorry, it's a bad habit."

They visited a fruit store and were greeted warmly by an old couple who was the owner of the store. Lelouch watched them as the old lady named Martha hugged C.C. affectionately with a joyful face. They were talking fondly and it surprised him as he never saw C.C. looking that happy talking with someone before. 

He stood there in silence with a small smile curved on his lips as he watched them talking. Then, a friendly but tough-looking old man named Ken greeted him with his deep voice, "You must be Louis. C's husband." They shook hands and exchanged smiles, "Yes. Nice to meet you, sir," said him politely.

"I didn't believe her when she told us that she's married. Thought that was her made-up excuse for not dating anyone. Until you're here, boy. In a flesh!" said the old man to him and they laughed. "Well, I understand why people think like that since we're still young" replied Lelouch with a grin. 

"I always admire when people know exactly what they want at a young age. I'm proud of you for achieving what you want, boy!" He patted Lelouch hard on his back and he stumbled a little due to the impact. 

Lelouch straightened his posture shortly after the impact, "Well, it takes a long and rough road to finally get what I want but... it's worth it." He said while looking at C.C.'s happy face. 

The old man nodded with a smile and said, "Boy, if you need anything just come to me. I'll be helpful." Lelouch bowed to him respectfully (Japanese culture), "Thank you, sir."

After a short visit to that store, they received a basket full of fresh fruits given by the old couple as a gift. Then, they continued walking to other stores.

"They were really nice. How did you know them, C.C.?" Lelouch asked her curiously while they were walking side by side. "I met them when I helped Anya pick the fruits" replied her simply with a smile.

"I didn't know you can make friends with people, C.C...Honestly, I'm still shocked!" Lelouch blurted out. C.C. raised her eyebrow with a grin and glanced at him, "I always make one or two friends wherever I go, honey. Don't underestimate me."

Lelouch shook his head immediately while holding her hand, "Aren't you afraid that you will get attached to them?"

C.C. stopped on her step and turned to look at him with a stern look. "I'm a witch. I don't feel that kind of thing..." said her. 

"Until...I met you. For the first time, I feel a very strong attachment towards you." she said quietly and a faint red appeared on her cheeks. He noticed and quickly pinched her cheeks, "Here, I thought you married me cuz of my looks and wealth," he teased her and she slapped his hands away from her face, annoyed.

While they were talking, C.C. noticed something and pulled his left arm closer to her. He gave her a confusing look and heard her whisper, "3 o'clock."

He quickly turned shortly after she told him, only to expect a bad guy or maybe familiar faces that they tried to avoid. However, he caught a group of young ladies staring at him with shy smiles plastered on their faces.

"Seems like you got yourself admirers, Romeo~ I didn't expect girls in this town would like you," teased C.C. while waving at them showing their intertwined hands and their rings. Lelouch ignored them and looked at C.C.  as she was mouthing to them saying, 'He's not available. Go find someone else.' with a serious face. 

Before unnecessary things happen, he pulled her hand and continued walking. "Don't be jealous. You know, I'm not interested in other girls, right?" C.C. laughed evilly and nodded, "Absolutely. I just want to see their faces when I show them these and it was priceless!". Lelouch rolled his eyes and tried to hide his smile as he find it hilarious too. They continued their date with a breeze.

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