Chapter 10: 😼 idk what to name this chapter

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(Madeleine POV)

I watched as Pastry chased Red around the courtyard like two kids playing tag. A very dangerous game of tag. They've been at this for 20 minutes now, watching them is dizzying.
"Stop running, I won't hurt you!"
"You most definitely will!"
Pastry finally caught up to Red and tackled him to the ground.
"God.. you've gotten stronger Pastry"
"Haha! Good.. now give me my phone back"
"Goddamnit Red... you're being stubborn"
"Get off of my back and I'll give it to you"
"Not a chance"
"Well you're not getting this back!"
Red shoved the phone into his jacket pocket.
"Ugh.. I want my phone back"
"Take it from me munchkin"
Red flipped Pastry over onto her back and got up.
"Don't call me munchkin... and where did you put it?"
"Jacket pocket, on the inside"
"I guess I'm not getting back my phone!"
Pastry hopped back up to her feet.
"Aww c'mon you scared~ can't take a phone out of my jacket?"
"Not doing it!"
Pastry started walking to the door, dusting herself off. Red was laughing and close behind Pastry.
"Here, take it"
Red gave Pastry's phone back to her.
"Now it's covered with your smell"
"I don't smell that bad!"
"Cologne plus sweat isn't a good combination!"
"Oh shut up, I know you love it"
"Stop teasing me!"
"Haha, never"
"You two finally finished flirting with each other?" I said snickering to myself.
"Pom has infected you Maddy.."
"You two have been barely dating for a week and she's already rubbed off on you"
"Is it really a bad thing?"
"Not really.. But you shouldn't be imitating her this soon"
"Doesn't matter to me, and Pastry why don't you date Red already?"
"I'm not looking for a relationship right now, so stop pestering me about it"
"Alright you two, enough with that. Miss.Pastry, you're getting your ID tomorrow, don't be late"
"When have I ever been late?"
"A few mornings in a row, actually. If you don't remember, I called your phone about 6 times this morning alone"
"Aha.. sorry about that. I couldn't get much sleep last night"
"Classic Pastry, always sleeping in"
"Not on purpose!"
"Anyway, we're doing some scouting tomorrow, nothing serious"
"Great, see you two tomorrow?"
"Mhm, bye Madeleine"
I waved to the both of them as I exited the courtyard. I have an awesome plan, Pomegranate and I should set Pastry and Red up on a date! I'm unsure of the success, but hopefully everything goes smoothly.

(Pastry POV)

"Red you did not have to put my phone in your drenched in sweat pocket"
"Of course I had to~ You were getting distracted"
"I was not! You just happened to come into my field of view while I was on my phone"
"Sure, sure, maybe you shouldn't be staring at your phone while I'm training"
"You owe me a new phone case, you ruined this one with your stupidness" I was attempting to clean off my screen with my shirt.
"I am most definitely NOT buying you a new one"
"Well then, be like that!"
I started walking out, Red followed me while wiping the sweat off of his face.
"You need a shower, I don't want to be seen with a sweat drenched man"
"Miss.Pastry, you're drenched in sweat too, I'm not alone in this"
"You unlike me, look like you got rained on"
"So cold of you to say, Miss.Pastry" He smirked at me, I rolled my eyes at him.
"General Velvet, I'm speaking the truth"
"Truth or not, never insult me like that again"
"No promises!" I picked up my bag along with Red's while he locked the door to the courtyard. We left together, instead of taking the main road, Red had the brightest idea to take us through the forest. That way was shorter but the chance of running into a monster wasn't out of the question. We were walking down the path when Red held out his arm in front of me.
"Pastry, don't be alarmed but I see a monster"
"I'll kill it, tell me where it is"
He pointed at a huge monster standing in front of us. I can take it down by myself, I'm strong enough. That's what I incorrectly thought as not even 5 minutes later I was knocked down, Red rushing to my aid. He finished off the monster and he helped me up.
"Pastry, are you hurt? Anything broken?"
"Red I'm fine, just a few bruises"
"Thank god... You'd probably be monster food if you were here alone"
"I probably could have handled it on my own.. I'm just exhausted from chasing you"
"Right, let's get going. The shower is waiting for us"
We made it into Red's backyard and he unlocked the back door. I went straight to his room to set down the bags while he went to take a shower. I wonder.. What does Red like? His birthday is coming up soon and I have no idea what to give him. What would a man like him want as a birthday gift?
"Hey Red! What would you like for your birthday?"
"That's not an option-"
"Aww.. A gift wrapped Pastry would be cute"
"I would not be cute gift wrapped!"
"You totally would be"
I picked up some clean clothes I left at Red's house.
"Red, are you done with the bathroom?"
"I have to dry my hair"
"Right Rapunzel has to dry his hair"
"I'm not Rapunzel"
"You might as well be with that long hair"
I was snickering to myself as he stepped out of the bath.
"I'm tempted to shake my hair on you"
"Hey! Don't you dare"
"Hahaha! I wouldn't!"
I slipped into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I let out a sigh as I locked the door behind myself. Red Velvet, he needs to chill. It's not that he's stupid... but sometimes I think otherwise.

(Red Velvet POV)

Pastry is in the shower, I'm drying my hair off. I wonder if she's thinking about me.. Probably.
I smile to myself as I continue to dry my hair. Chiffon barked at me.
"Yes, Chiffon? Oh you're hungry? I'll feed you give me a moment"
I poured food into Chiffon's bowl, then I got started on dinner. The time it'll take her to finish will probably be enough for me to finish dinner. I was humming to myself while cooking. I was caught off guard when I felt someone hug me from behind.
"Mmh.. Red, is dinner ready?"
"Almost, give me like 5 minutes"
After dinner, I walked Pastry home. Hopefully Pastry wakes up tomorrow morning, on time.

I woke up to Chiffon licking my face.
"Mm..? Chiffon.. What time is it?"
I turned on my phone, 11... 11!? It can't be 11.. I'm late! Shit. I put Chiffon to the side and quickly got ready, Madeleine is going to be on my ass today. I haven't woken up this late in forever. I left Chiffon food in his bowl and I ran out the door, accidentally leaving it open.

(Pastry POV)

"Ms.Pastry, where do you think General Velvet is?"
"No clue, it's not like him to be late..."
"Do you think he..?"
"He never does.. It's unlikely.. but a possibility"
Madeleine paced around the courtyard as I sorted the box of arrows we got this morning. General Velvet slowly opened the door to the courtyard.
"Good morning Miss.Pastry, good morning Sir Madeleine"
"Good morning General Velvet"
"Morning, where have you been?"
"Ah.. I slept in.. like a certain someone"
"Shut up, I actually reached here early"
"Haha.. true true.. Did you get your I.D.?"
"Yeah, you weren't here to see"
"Aw man..."
"I'm joking, we were waiting for you"
"Glad you're thinking of me Pastry"
I put down the arrows and carefully placed them into their respective quivers.
"I can promise you I wasn't thinking of you!"
"Nahhhh you always have me on your brain"
"Both of you, stop flirting and lets go finish what Ms.Pastry came here to do"
"We're not- nevermind.."
I quickly walked inside, soon followed by Madeleine and Red. You'd think these two share a single brain cell when they're together.. Why did I decide to work with them in the first place? I sigh as I watch Madeleine fix his hair while Red goes through my file.
"Found it"
"Finally that took you forever, I was starting to think Madeleine was going to give himself a new hairstyle"
"It was like, 10 minutes max"
"You're lucky I wasn't keeping track of time"
Red put my file into the computer, I helped Madeleine tie his hair back.
"Pastry, we have to take your picture"
"Oh. Right.. Let's get this over with"
I got my picture taken, we were all patiently waiting for the I.D. to print.
"Hopefully it looks good.."
"It's of you of course it would look good!"
"Thank you Madeleine, any thoughts General Velvet?"
"N-Nope! None at all!"
We both looked at eachother and started blushing. I aimed my attention towards Madeleine's snickering.
"Oooo~ I think someone has a crush~"
"I do not!"
"Your face is bright red, you totally do"
"I'm just embarrassed.."
"It's done printing"
"I wanna see it"
I walked over to the machine and picked up the card. Woah I like it.. Why can't all of my ID photos look like this? I handed the card to Red, he attached a clip to it.
"Keep it with you at all times, I wouldn't want you to have to get another one"
"Will do, I'd never lose it"

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated this in like what, two, three months? I've kinda forgotten about it and had a lot of writers block, so hopefully I can finish the next chapter soon 🥲.

Purely Confused: A Pastry X Red Velvet Cookie FanficWhere stories live. Discover now