Chapter 9: Target Practice

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(Pastry POV)

"Pastry, give me a moment to set this up okay?"
"I'm getting tired of waiting.. I wanna shoot something"
"Shoot me, and you'll be charged for attempted/successful murder"
"Okay okay I'll wait"
It looks like I'm running out of arrows.
"Pastry, I'm finished"
"Perfect, now get out of the way before you get hit"
Red instantly got out of the way as I loaded my bow. A few moments later, I was out of arrows.
"Red, are there any arrows over there?"
"There should be..."
Red searched the rack of weapons.
"Found some, here"
"Thank you Red"
I took the arrows from Red and placed them in my quiver.
"Remember when you almost killed me when we first met?"
"Don't... remind me of that time, okay?"
"I promise it won't come up again"
I took a deep breath then shot an arrow at the dummy.
"Miss.Pastry, your aim is getting a bit shaky now. I think you should stop for now"
"... I will, in a moment."
Another shot later my arrow completely missed the dummy.
"That's training done for today, I'll see you tomorrow."
"Y-Yeah... Tomorrow"
Pastry left quickly, Red against his own judgment didn't stop her.

(Red Velvet POV)

Aah... I totally wasn't thinking when saying that. Shit... I hope she'll be okay. I know Pastry will definitely not want to see me tomorrow. I picked up my sword and made my way to the jewelry store, taking a look around and I picked up a necklace.
"Sir, how much is this?"
"Oh. Alright then."
I quickly set down the necklace and glanced at the others. Does Pastry even like jewelry? I have no idea... maybe she'd like something different. I left the jewelry store and headed home for the night. I shuffled through my things and pulled out one of my hoodies. I slept in the hoodie since it was cold that night. The next morning there was a knock at my window.
"Ugh... who's there?"
"Pastry, could I come in?"
"I definitely have to get you a key for my house... I'm tired of you waking me up while I'm asleep"
"Sorry... Now can I come in?"
"Give me a moment Pastry"
I got out of bed and let Pastry in the house through my backdoor.
"Thank you, and what were you saying about getting me a key?"
"Well... we've been dating for a little bit and you clearly like coming over, so I'd like you to be able to come over on your own"
Chiffon was happily barking at Pastry.
"I think Chiffon would appreciate you coming over too *laughs*"
Pastry picked up Chiffon.
"I'll try not to wake you when I come over"
She was petting Chiffon and I sorta wished I was him right now.
"Training starts at 12, make sure you're there by then"
"Yeah... I won't forget"
"I'm sorry about yesterday... I didn't know that you felt guilty for almost ending my life"
"'s alright, we can talk about it another time"
Pastry set down Chiffon and hugged me. She sighed as she let me go.
"I'll make sure breakfast as an apology for waking you"
"You really don't have to but thanks"
Pastry made her way to the kitchen and I followed her.
"I'll help"
After breakfast, we took chiffon on a walk. Madeleine came over to us.
"So how's the happy couple?"
"We are not a couple Maddy"
"Yeah Madeleine, you have the wrong idea"
"Then why are you two holding hands?"
Pastry let go of my hand quickly, I was slightly hurt by it.
"We aren't"
"Sure sure..."
"The most confident man here can't even get a date with Pomegranate"
"Pshh... I can!"
"Do it right now, look she's coming down the road"
"Pom! Madeleine wants to ask you something"
Pomegranate reached us in record time.
"Hmm? What is it?"
"I uhh.. uh"
I saw the confidence drain out of him instantly. I started laughing and Pastry did too.
"I can't ask with you two idiots laughing!"
"Sorry sorry!"
I was wiping away tears while still laughing.
"I.. would you like to go on a date with the one and only Madeleine?"
"What took you so long to ask?"
Madeleine looked away from Pomegranate embarrassed. She hugged him.
"It's like Maddy here has a thing for you"
"By the look on Madeleine's face it seems he's frozen"
"Honestly I would have asked myself if he didn't"
"Awww older sis Pom finally has a date~"
"You're a dumbass Red..."
"Oh shut up"
I rolled my eyes and Pom glared at me.
"Says the one who won't make the move to date Pastry"
"Pom how many times do I gotta tell you. We're just friends"
"Why does everyone assume we're dating"
"Maybe, because you two look like a couple every time you're out together!"
I pulled Pastry closer to myself.
"Your assumptions are wrong, Pomegranate"
"Just look at the way you hold her! Open your eyes!"
"If we're "dating" then we'd be all over each other"
"Pastry you kinda are close to him"
"Your point?"
"Red, Pastry, if you two aren't dating, I dare you two kiss eachother"
"H-Huh?! What why!"
"Pom now you've gone crazy"
"C'mon do it~"
Pastry hesitated for a moment then yanked me down sharply to kiss me.
"! Pastry!"
"It was a dare Red"
Pastry had her same upset look on her face but I could tell she was faking it. I covered my face, hella embarrassed.
"There, you happy now?"
"Ehe very much so"
Pom shoved her phone back into her handbag.
"Pom... did you? Take a picture of us?!"
"What if I did? Hmm~ what's it to ya"
"... it looks like I have a new target"
Pomegranate started running down the road Pastry not far behind.
"This photo is pure gold!"
I looked at my watch.
"Hopefully they're back before training starts.."
"I assure you they will"

(Pastry POV)

I grabbed Pomegranate by the arm, gripping it tightly so she couldn't escape.
"Aah! Let go, you're gonna break it!"
"I'd never break your arm Pom.. now give me the phone"
"Let me go first"
Pomegranate was sobbing when she handed over her phone to me. I swiftly deleted the photo from her phone and gave it back to Pom. I let go of her arm and she started to rub it.
"I'll get a photo like that another day..."
"Don't have your hopes up too high"
"I'll just have to wait until your wedding"
"I- Pom! I'm not marrying him!"
"Tell me that on your wedding day"
Pomegranate slipped away from view as I sighed heavily, out of breath from chasing her. Pomegranate is out of her mind if she thinks I'm marrying Red. We haven't even been dating for that long. I sat on a bench nearby and Red along with Madeleine walked up to me.
"Sooo.. did you delete the picture?"
"Of course I did, that photo was embarrassing..."
"Sucks I didn't get to see it"
"She was talking about taking pictures of us on our wedding day"
"You two are getting married?"
"Sure sure.. secret wedding I'm guessing"
"You're more out of your mind than Pom... I'm not marrying Red, not now, not ever."
Red gave me a disappointed look.
"Now you've made Red sad"
Red mimed tears coming from his eyes. Madeleine patted Red's shoulder.
"She'll come around someday"
"You know what? I'm going home"
I got up and left.
"Pastry wait! He didn't mean it!"
I frantically looked for my keys to open the door to get inside since I knew Red was coming. I got inside and shut the door. I sat against the wall next to the door.
"Pastry, let me in, I know you're in there.."
"No Red... leave me alone"
"Please Pastry I just wanna talk"
"I'm not in the mood Red, sorry"
Red sat down on my porch.
"I'll just wait here until you feel better"
"Red, don't.. just go home."

I'm running out of ideas so it might take me a bit longer to write the next few chapters.

Purely Confused: A Pastry X Red Velvet Cookie FanficWhere stories live. Discover now