Chapter 1: A Rough Begining

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(Pastry POV)

"This is my first week being out of the St.Pastry Order, it feels different not having to wake up early in the morning and go to the monastery for morning prayer."
As I was sitting there, I heard a knock at the door. I went to the door, opening it slightly I saw him, Dark Enchantress's son. Red Velvet. He looked down at me, I was in slight shock that HE was at my door.
"Are you going to let me in or not?"
"Oh uh yeah."
I let him inside as he sat on my couch. Setting down his sword, which was probably twice as big as me, against the wall.
"So you live alone, am I right?"
"Yes you are correct"
Red had his eyes directly onto my crossbow. Before I could even react he snatched the bow from my hands.
"This looks pretty dangerous, I'll keep it for everyone's safety"
I stared at him in shock, are you kidding me right now. The cookie who has a huge ass sword that he carries around like it's nothing, has taken my only form of self defense.
"How dare you! Give it back!"
I attempted to grab it from him yet he moved causing me to fall directly onto his lap.
"Feisty aren't we? You're not getting this back until I confirm it's safe"
"What makes YOU have the authority to do so?"
I asked angrily.
"Well I'm General Velvet, so I have some authority. Plus I was sent to keep an eye on Miss Executioner."
He said as he was examining my crossbow. I shifted off of his lap as I watched him fiddle around with it.
"May I have my crossbow back?"
*SNAP* I looked over at Red Velvet and saw him with my broken crossbow string in his hands.
"I- MY CROSSBOW!" I yelled as I smacked Red in the back of his head.
"Ow! At least be more gentle when hitting me and I'll let you live." Rubbing the back of his head, he placed the broken crossbow in my lap.
"Sorry... I shouldn't have done that." I turned to face him. He looked down at me, slight anger in his eyes.
"Don't. Do that again or it won't end well for you."
"Yes, General Velvet" I looked down at my crossbow, still angry at him for breaking it.
"I'll get going now, don't cause any trouble" he picked up his huge saw-like sword and left my house.
"That was... something... Oh my earthbread! I have to get a new string for my precious baby." Locking my door, I went to go make myself some lunch.

(Red Velvet POV)

"That ex nun needs a lot of work" I was walking down the road to my house, then I saw Madeleine standing at my door.
"Hello Madeleine"
"Hello Red, have you seen my little sister, Pastry?"
"The ex nun is your SISTER?!" I stood there shocked.
"Yes, now have you seen her"
"I have, she's in her house."
"Alright! I'll be heading there. Thanks" Madeline walked away from my house and I went inside to lay down on my couch.
I have a horrible crush on Pastry. I don't know why but ever since I saw her, I just fell in love. I can't ask her out now... she'd totally reject me after what I did to her crossbow. I have an idea; I get her a new string for her crossbow, might as well get a box to put it in too. I think this'll work out, I'm not thinking she'll immediately accept me but it's one step towards our relationship. I'm willing to put in whatever it takes to make her mine.

Purely Confused: A Pastry X Red Velvet Cookie FanficWhere stories live. Discover now