But he quickly decided on a jab of his own, "Obi-Wan must really like you. He hates my room." Elly glared at Anakin playfully and he smirked.

"It is a lot cleaner than I expected," She retorted. Anakin nodded and straightened up his cloak, suddenly seeming self-conscious.

"I decided to do a little spring cleaning." There was an almost arrogance to his tone and Elly had to hold back a snort.

"You don't seem the type." Anakin would not spring clean. There was only one reason she could come up with for him cleaning it. And that was a girl, or a boy or just anybody he romantically liked coming over. He wanted to impress them so he cleaned up. There was no other logical explanation in Elly's mind. She knew Anakin.

"Everyone has a way of surprising you." He tried to play off her obvious suspicion but it failed. He suddenly seemed nervous, self-conscious and that was a telltale sign that she had struck a nerve.

"Nothing about you has surprised me so far," Elly retorted, looking into his eyes. He looked back at her, trying to cover up everything,

"You're surprised you like me," He responded. Elly hummed in response, a small teasing smile on her lips.

"I can't do it. Can I see it again?" Elly looked away from Anakin and smiled softly at Ahsoka. The girl had a determined look on her face and Elly couldn't say no to that. She walked over and held her hand out for the lightsaber. She took a few steps back and showed the move again. She did it fast once and then slower the next two times. She talked Ahsoka right through the steps again before offering her to try again.

Once she stepped back, Ahsoka was able to do it with relative ease. Elly grinned, congratulating her and then ordered Ahsoka to practise a few more times. Elly went back to Anakin's side and he was smiling. Not a smirk anymore, a smile.

"I can see why your Padawan was able to graduate so quickly," Anakin said. Elly raised an eyebrow and he turned back to Ahsoka. She seemed to be getting the hang of it now and her actions were much smoother than before, "I will never understand why Master Yoda assigned Ahsoka to me when she was already so attached to you." Elly's face dropped at his words.

"It's good that he didn't. I'm a risk to someone so young," Elly mumbled out. She didn't know how to approach a situation like this. Suddenly, she realised how similar what she was doing was to training a Padawan. She could try and frame it as a one and done deal but Ahsoka would always turn to Elly for help.

Even if Ahsoka was not her Padawan, they still acted like how a Master and a Padawan would. Elly wouldn't be surprised if Anakin scolded her for overstepping but he never did. He seemed to be glad of it all. And she was glad that he was.

"Ahsoka is doing pretty well, I'd say," Anakin rushed out before he walked over to her and quickly stopped her. She had been trying to put the sequence together and even he could see the failures in it. So, Elly took a step back from the moment just to watch Anakin work. Watch how he taught her and it was heart-warming. Anakin was always sweet at heart.


Elly knew it was coming. She had just been waiting for it but she hadn't expected it when it came either. It wasn't as daunting as it had been a few weeks ago but it was still nerve-wracking. Standing in front of the Council was never a pleasant experience. There were too many eyes on her but she did well to mask her emotions.

But as she stood in the Council meeting, she felt odd because Obi-Wan was stood beside her. In all his regal glory, he was beside her, taking order. He stood with his hands rested gracefully by his side and he seemed so calm. Elly could never understand how he found the meetings so easy but he was usually on the other side of them so that was definitely part of it.

EASE MY MIND, obi-wan kenobi ³ ✔Where stories live. Discover now