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Presen time

I was in a room with a big window infront of me. Through that window I could see Mrs.Fredrickson sitting on a chair waiting to be questioned.

I suspected she was the one we were looking for. Why else would she lie about where he was killed.

Jake calmly entered the room I was in and closed the door behind him.

"I'm going in. Call backup if I say so." I said looking seriously at Jake. He looked back at me with confused eyes.

"Why would we need backup for an old women?" He asked glancing the Mrs.Fredrickson through the big glass.

"A senior that can punch isn't impossible. I suggest you take note of that for your future missions." I said looking at the nervous women behind the window.

I opened the door tho the other room and slowly entered closing the door behind me. I gave a quick glance at Jake through the window then turned towards the senior infront of me. "We know you lied about where the murder took place. What have you got to say for yourself? and I suggest you speak truthfully. I know how to detect a lie." I said trying to sound as scary as possible.

"Don't go frameing me. I know you did it. Drop the act kiddo. You know I saw you face. " The senior said with a serious look on her face. I thought the women was mad. I know I wasn't the killer, why would I kill an old man for?

"Mrs I believe you have mistaken me for someone else." I said trying to act calm. " I saw your face! You are the one who told me to 'keep my mouth shut' after you stabbed him!" She shouted at me. She looked like she was holding back her tears.

"I-I don't understand, when the murder took place I was... I was asleep." I think... I thought." Do you have any sort of vision loss Mrs? Maby a bit of blurred vision?" I asked the old lady. It is common around people her age to be struggling with eye sight.

"My eyesight is just as good as yours kiddo. You and your friend are gonna own up to what you did." The women said a bit calmer than before. "If you are talking about Jake, he is not my friend." It was true, he was just someone I was forced to 'guide' because he was new.

"No, don't act dumb, your other friend!" The senior started raising her voice."I don't have friends."I told the angry lady infront of me.

"Then an identical twin perhaps?" She arched her eyebrow at me. "Nope." I said plainly. "We have security cameras around the house, I can prove it to you that you killed him!" She said looking into my eyes seriously.

"Perfect! We will visit your house ASAP.
You may leave. But we have an eye on you, ok?" I signalled Jake to let her go. The women calmly left through the automatic door.

I had about a million questions. Do I actually have an identical twin? Or am I  a sleepwalker? Or does the old lady have a few screws loose? All I know is that I did not do it...

"Why did you let her go?" I heard a voice ask behind me. "We are going to visit the house again. She says there are security cameras installed." I told Jake.

"Is there anything else?" He gave a suspicious glance at me. "We have a visual of the suspects, the killer looks exactly like me and was accompanied with a friend." I said trying to summarise everything.

"Are you basically confessing that you are the killer?" He asked me with a look of disappointment on his face. "What!? No,... look I'm not sure... I promise I never did it but she insists otherwise." I said hoping that he would be understanding.

"We need to report this. Even if it means you get sent to court." He looked down in disappointment. "But.... It wasn't me." I tried to explain. "I want to believe you but I can't... We'll go to the house and check the cameras to be sure. How about we go tomorrow?" He asked walking towards the door while still looking at me.

"Sure..." I said in a board tone.
He left the  room with a sad expression on his face. All I wanted now was answers and sleep... Mostly sleep.

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