Richy winced and gritted his teeth, "What are we going to do tonight, Brain?"

Jake ignored him and walked over barrel. He lifted a piece of wood from a pallet off the floor.

"The same thing we do every night, Pinky!" Richy faked the cartoon character's voice. "Really? Nothing? Have you never seen Pinky and the Brain? Who is the uneducated swine now?"

"It is clear that if you can still make jokes, I still have a lot of work to do,"

Jake wrapped a piece of cloth around the end of the wood, then lowered it into the fire, lighting his makeshift torch. I could see where things were going and I started to panic. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts for Dr. Cumming. Why did I have to have so many saved on this phone!?

"Just kill me already," Richy shook his head woefully. "It's what you want."

"I want you to suffer as you made me suffer!" Jake snapped and walked behind RIchy. "First you drowned me in infested water! Then you burnt me alive!"

Jake lowered the burning plank onto the middle of Richy's back. He held it there while Richy screamed out in pain. I jumped and my phone slipped out of my hand just as I tapped on Dr. Cumming's contact. Jake lifted the torch suddenly and looked in my direction. Fuck, he saw me. I turned and tried to make a break for the door, but Jake was on me in no time. He tackled me to the ground so hard I scraped my knee on the concrete.

"Oh, MC, you shouldn't be here," he smirked sinisterly at me and grabbed my hair by its roots to pull me off the ground.

"Jake! Let's talk about this, ok?" I begged.

"MC!?" Richy gasped. "No... no! No! No! NO! Let her go, Jake! She has nothing to do with this! This is between you and me! You and me!" Richy tugged on his restraints, but his chair wasn't moving anywhere.

Jake grabbed my arm and held it twisted behind me as he shoved me across the room towards Richy.

"Jake, please, don't do this!" I pleaded. "Come on, let's see Dr. Cumming. You told me you trusted me to make that decision, right? It's time, Jake. It's time!"

"All you had to do, MC, was sleep and it would've all been over like it never happened," Jake pushed me down beside a metal column. "Now sit there like the good girl I know you are."

Jake walked over to an old tool cabinet and grabbed a jar from on top of it. I got up to run, but he quickly snatched my arm and yanked me back to the column with such force that I hit the back of my head on it. As I winced in pain, Jake emptied a powder from the jar and blew it into my face. I heard Richy yelling as my mind seemingly disconnected from my body. Everything that followed felt like a nightmare, one in which someone else was in control of my body while I was forced to watch. However, I could only remember small bits and pieces of what happened that night.

"Trust me, this hurts me more than it hurts you," Jake cooed as the drug took over my consciousness. "I never wanted to use it on you."

"What the hell did you do to her!?" Richy screamed.

"The same drug I gave you when you stepped out of your apartment," Jake explained. "Devil's breath."

"Please Jake, let her be," Richy begged. "She doesn't deserve any punishment, right? Just let her sleep and let her go when she wakes. Do what you want to me, but don't hurt her!"

"Oh, she's not asleep,' Jake turned to Richy and grinned. "She just doesn't have any say in what she does. And for the not deserving it part, well, that's not exactly true either, is it? I mean it was only because of her that I went into the mines to get your sorry ass out of there! It was because of her that I became so weak and vulnerable! That I would do anything for her! I was at her fucking mercy! She manipulated me to save you! Then, she got over me so quickly, like my sacrifice didn't matter..."

"No, no, Jake. She was going to go to the mines, remember? You stopped her!" Richy tried to remind him.

"That was just her mind games with me," Jake sneered. "This high and mighty angel, getting a devil to do her dirty work so she wouldn't put herself at risk. MC, pick up that plastic bag. It's time you got your hands bloody for once."

Jake gestured to the tool cabinet. My body walked over to the cabinet on its own and saw a white plastic bag laid on top of it. My body picked up the bag without hesitation.

"Richy, do you know what happened after the fire?" Jake asked. "The fire had significantly reduced the amount of oxygen in those tunnels. Do you have any idea what it feels like to suffocate?"

Richy's eyes widened in horror, "No! MC! Wake up! Think about what you're doing!"

"MC, angel, please do me a favour and put that bag over Richy's head. I'm tired of looking at him," Jake grinned.

I watched in horror as my body moved behind Richy and lowered the white plastic bag over his head. No matter how much I screamed internally, my body didn't respond as it held the bag tight around his neck while Richy thrashed in his chair in front of me. Meanwhile, Jake looked on with his hands in his pockets with such devilish glee, he might as well have been the devil himself. Richy suddenly stopped moving all together.

"That's enough, MC," Jake nodded. "We don't want to kill him just yet, do we?"

As soon I pulled the bag off Richy's head, he gasped for air.

"I'm going to fucking kill you," Richy grumbled as he recovered. "For real this time and make sure it sticks."

"Richy, seeing how you currently have your feet bolted to the ground, I don't think you'll be doing much of anything," Jake rolled his eyes.

I glanced down and noticed large metal nails implanted into Richy's bloodied shoes. They ensured Richy couldn't just stand up and walk away, chair or no chair.

Jake walked over to me and turned me towards him, "You did so beautifully, angel. I'm proud of you."

Jake pressed his lips to mine. At first my body didn't respond, but it soon gave in and kissed him back. I wanted nothing more than to vomit in his mouth right then. It only got worse as his tongue invaded my mouth.

"You think she's going to still love you when she wakes up," Richy spat. "She's going to hate you! Hate you forever!"

"Maybe," Jake smiled. "But more likely this will all just be a bad dream for her. To think, that's all you will ever be to her. Sure, it would have been better if she had just slept. Then she would have been saved from ever lying eyes on you again. But this beautiful angel, whose wings I've clipped and darkened, still manages to surprise me. My fallen angel that I've pulled from grace myself."

Jake kissed me more heatedly this time and my body responded in turn. I could feel his hands running down my sides and grab my hips possessively. He pressed his pelvis into me and I could feel the erection that had grown in his pants. This sickeningly turned my own body on. I could feel the heat building inside me. My body craved his touch and his attention. It would've done anything for him. Anything he asked, no matter how morally wrong or depraved. It was addicted to his praise and his approval. So much so, that the memory of suffocating Richy was already starting to fade away.

"Jake, where are we?" I questioned hazily.

"Shh, you had too much to drink again. Let's get you home before you pass out," he cooed. "We can continue this there, away from judging eyes."

"MC! Wake up!" Richy cried out. His voice was so hoarse that I could barely understand him. "Don't do it, Jake. Please, don't do it."

Jake wrapped his arm around my waist and walked us towards the back exit of the building, blocking my view of Richy.

"What was that?" I asked confused.

"Just a noisy raven, angel. Pay it no attention," he paused, then bent down to pick up my phone from the floor. He checked it, then handed it back to me. "Be careful with your new phone. Otherwise, I'll have to get you a new one."

"I'm sorry, Jake," I frowned and shoved the phone into my back pocket.

Jake kissed the top of my head patronisingly, "Just try not to drop it again."

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