To publish or not to publish?

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The following is an actual letter to the author. It contains references to rape and suicidal ideation. Identifying information has been removed.

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Dear Meghan,

I'm wanting to publish a book about being raped. I've self-harmed and been suicidal for quite a while. Every day I wake up wishing I were dead, then reframing and trying to go on with my life. I pretend to be happy to make friends and family happy, because they are bothered if I'm not smiling. They feel afraid they will say or do the wrong thing to trigger me. I'm a mess.

I think I need to get my story out to help others, or to raise awareness about what happens to someone when they are put through these things. For me, it's an empowerment project. I'd like to get your advice on if you think this is a good idea or not.


To publish or not to publish

To publish or not to publish

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First of all, I'm so sorry about what happened to you. And I'm so glad you're still here with us. You're right that your story of survival could help others.

Please do publish it, but not yet. Writing doesn't need to be public to be empowering. In fact, writing publicly about personal trauma can even create secondary trauma, depending on the outcome. It opens up unhealed wounds and can result in new ones, if you jump into the process before you're ready.

Your first priority right now should be your mental health and your ongoing recovery.

First, focus on writing privately and what revelations arise when you journal. Look for narrative threads in your personal history and connect them for your own benefit, without worrying about the need to present a cohesive story to readers. Practice letting go of the pressure to appear happy for your friends and family.

Then, maybe in a few months or maybe even in a few years, there will be a day when you wake up and you don't need to "reframe." Life will be beautiful again. You may always have certain triggers, but your instinct for joy will return. You will get past this time, with ongoing therapy, treatment, and reflection. You will find balance.

At that point, it will be a good time to begin the process of publishing a book about what you've been through. And when that happens, I hope you will share the journey on Wattpad. I will certainly read it.

In solidarity,


Disclaimer: This advice column is for informational and entertainment purposes only. I'm not a licensed mental health professional and the advice provided is not intended to replace professional advice. Neither I nor Wattpad bears responsibility for any outcomes resulting from the advice given.

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