"Thank you honey" Carley smiled sweetly. Y/N nodded to her, but his stone faced expression didn't change.

"Let's checkout those bathrooms first. I need to pee, and wouldn't mind freshening up" Christa chuckled as they began walking over.

"Me too" Clementine said happily.

"We'll take the men's room, Y/N- you and Clementine take the ladies" Omid chuckled with a wink.

"And Lee and I will check out the pit stop, see how much we can scavenge" Carley smiled happily. The thought of having four walls and a roof appealing to her.

The groups separated as Y/N held a hand up to Clementine. She nodded. She knew the drill. Y/N entered the bathroom with his crossbow up. No immediate walkers.

He walked quietly towards the three cubicles. First door, clear.

Second door, clear. Sort of. He'd seen people shit themselves in this apocalypse but the scene inside the toilet was something else.

He quietly edged forward, pushing the third stall door open....


He walked back to the entrance and opened the door to see a smiling Clementine.

"It's clear, but don't go in the second cubicle. It looks like a Merle post bender special in there".

Clementine giggled before Y/N's meaning registered and she made a disgusted face. It was only momentary as she rushed into Y/N with a bone crunching hug.

"Thank you for checking Y/N"

"Yeah yeah" Y/N chuckled as he held the door open for her. Clementine entered and set herself up at the first sink, placing her bag and gun down on it. She tried to run the faucet but nothing came out. She reached into her bag and got her water bottle out, dabbing a little onto a cloth to wipe her face.

Y/N was at the sink next to her, resting his hands on it after having placed his crossbow down. He was looking down, as Clementine asked:

"Are you ok?"

Y/N smiled without looking up as he answered:

"Yeah Clemmy. Just tired".

"Let me clean your face" Clementine smiled, accidentally knocking her water bottle down as it rolled into the third cubicle. She ran after it as Y/N turned to watch her and chuckled:

"Lucky the lid was-"

He cut himself off as he heard a gun cock behind him, quickly snapping:

"Clementine lock the door".

He turned slowly as the cubicle door clicked.

"No you git out here" a woman's voice said.

"No you git out here" a woman's voice said

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"Fuck you bitch. Point the gun at me" Y/N growled to the woman who held Clementine's gun towards his face.

"That's my gun" Clementine said angrily from the cubicle.

"It's mine now" the woman chuckled.

Y/N stood silently, waiting. All he needed was a moment.

"You got anything on you?" The woman asked as she rifled through Clementine's backpack, gun still pointed at Y/N.

"Come on let's see" she continued impatiently.

Y/N stared hard, as he replied coldly:

"Put that gun down and walk away. That's your one chance of leaving here alive"

She laughed at Y/N, looking over at his crossbow.

"That piece... give it here!"

Y/N stared harder as he spoke, again coldly.

"Try and take it bitch. See what happens"

"I got a gun you little shit. You stupid? Guns kill people. Now-"

She was interrupted by Y/N answering with a sneer:

"Guns don't kill people. I kill people. This is your last chance"

"He's telling the truth" Clementine yelled from the cubicle, hoping the others would hear her.

The woman looked at the expression on Y/N's face and thought better of it, turning her attention back to Clementine's backpack.

"Junk junk junk. Look at this junk. Shit shit and more shit. Look at this picture. What a mob of suckers. This your family?" She asked Y/N as she showed him a picture Clementine had drawn of Kenny, Duck and Katjaa back at the Motor Inn all that time ago.

 This your family?" She asked Y/N as she showed him a picture Clementine had drawn of Kenny, Duck and Katjaa back at the Motor Inn all that time ago

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"You watch your fucking mouth!" Y/N snapped as he saw the door to the bathroom opening slowly.

Omid entered, quietly, trying to sneak up on the woman. It failed as the door behind him shut quickly, slamming hard. The woman turned, in a panic, her finger on the trigger...


Omid looked down, clutching his stomach as he fell backwards. Christa shot through the door, looking at her boyfriend horrified as the woman turned back to Y/N, her eyes opened wide in fear as she dropped the gun, muttering:

"I didn't mean to-"

She was cut off as Y/N, pained and enraged, grabbed the left side of her head and smashed it into the mirror.

He pulled her head back, shards of glass sticking out of a face that already looked out of it and slammed her head down, straight through the porcelain sink, shattering it and the woman's skull. He looked down in rage as Clementine opened the door and ran out, gripping him tight from behind.

Lee and Carley rushed into the bathroom, having heard the gunshot, and were shocked to see their fallen friend as Christa wept.

"You all need to leave. I'll give him mercy" Y/N said coldly as Clementine sobbed into his back.

A/N: Prologue chapter. Updates will be slow but Season Two has begun.

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