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Suffocating love

He already had a sense of what it was to date a doctor. Often times, in the past, he could only see Izuku for two hours, four if he was lucky. It was just sex back then though.

They had recently moved to a newer apartment, to start fresh again. It was also a couple of blocks near Izuku's hospital. The thing was, Katsuki was out of projects to do.

He had finished his last year in university and was hired by a high tech company that designed equipment of all kinds. Problem was, his father was friends with his boss, making his job way easier. Meaning; his projects were done when asked. He had all machines to him, and had everyone begging him to use them as well. Of course, the privilege spiked some conflicts among peers, but after Katsuki offered to share said privilege, no other words were said.

Job was getting done, which was what mattered. So now, Katsuki was stuck at home, working on a more human-like robotic leg, favour Izuku asked him for one of his patients.

He had been doing these tiny favours for him, from leg making to tiny robots for kids in the hospital. He didn't mind, but he...

"You miss him." Kirishima patted his back, ordering another round of drinks.

"I do!" He cried out, blowing his nose sipping his drink afterwards. "It's just... He's so... And he's so far..."

"Ah, c'mon Kats. No—" he sighed as Katsuki began crying. He had drank a lot. A lot.

"I never see him, Shitty hair. He's always, in surgery,
i-in... Post-ops?" He took a deep breath, wiping the tears away. "He's cheating on me."

"What!? Kats, no!"

"He is. He's cheating on me."

"Katsuki he is not cheating on you."

"How!? How would you know!?"

"Because I am standing right here, Kacchan." It was his first day off after two intense weeks of surgery, and he proposed to go out with some friends. Kacchan agreed, forgetting he was a total lightweight.

"You cheater! You fucking asshole!" He backed away from Izuku's hand, his eyes turning glossy.

"I think he's had enough. Tell Denki and Mina we're sorry to leave early." He grabbed Katsuki's arm against his will.

"Don't worry. They're probably worse than Kats. You drive safe okay?"

"Yep. C'mon big man."

"You're an asshole. I hate you." He fought Izuku as much as his wobbly and cloudy body could. Of course, he ended up relying on Izuku to stand and walk out of the bar. "You cheater."

"I didn't cheat on you."

"No?" He looked at him baffled, surprised. "You didn't?"

"No Kacchan."


He let Izuku handle him as he wished, feeling quite happy that his boyfriend didn't cheat on him, forgetting the fact he cheated because of him.

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