The Thoughts at the Park 09/23/22

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Pencil to paper, feelings to words.

Not yet shared, and not yet heard.

Wandering thoughts in the shade of the breeze,

And viewing Distraction through leaf-curtained trees.

A wedding or similar in the venue nearby,

I reminisce heartache, underneath a God-blessed sky.

This "common temptation," confusing sensation

Amidst words of counsel against.

Remaining conflicted while feeling convicted:

Help, Father- this struggle's intense.

Maybe I need to ignore it,

Or simply repress to "inside."

Yet still, I don't want to abhor it,

While knowing I need it to hide.

Father, take away my stubbornness,

And heal my envy too.

This prayer I can't speak any less:

"Let me seek only You."

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