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dear cora,

i never mentioned why i wrote these letters, cora. but it's quite obvious.

i promised i didn't meant to, and i meant it, cora. i didn't mean to kill him.

i was sad and drunk and my tears blurred my vision and next thing i knew his body was hitting my windshield.

i wrote these letters to myself in hopes of feeling better, but they were complete lies.

the letter i wrote to him? also a lie.

i never knew michael, and i never met him.

i'm sorry, cora, i killed him.

but it's okay, i'll see him soon.

yours truly,
cora roberts

a/n: okay so basically cora hit michael with her car and she went into this state of shock and wrote letters to herself as if she was another person to distract herself from what really happened (?¿)

xx e.

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