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haiii thank you all for loving this story! enjoy and song above ⬆️ -A. 🖤


After last nights events the couple started to get ready for the birth that was somehow arriving just before new years. Although one thing Ani failed to mention during this time was her birthday. While dealing with everything her thoughts were else where.

She didn't bother to mention it but it just didn't feel right. She missed her sister, she missed her family. Ani didn't think that getting pregnant would happen so fast. Then leaving and no one being there for her.

Ani only had one purpose and that was for being there for her daughter, feeling sad and alone wasn't something she could think about right now.

It hurt so bad, it felt like her life was going in the wrong direction. Everything was going wrong but one thing that kept her going was David, this guy who knew her favorite fruits, drinks, sleep positions, foods she could have during pregnancy and how to comfort her. He never pressured her into anything always made time for her. Virtually never left her side, he always there. She wasn't alone, she had him.

Although she didn't have her family but she had him.

Ani laid quietly staring at the backyard door and staring at the pink/ green fence, she never got the chance to ask him about it. She always wondered about it but always forgot to ask. The lawn chairs were still their usual spots. Especially the lawn chair where the trini sat. While David argued with his parents for the simple fact that she was pregnant but it wasn't his kid.

The night seem so quiet to the trini, David was asleep beside her sometimes he would hold her but it would get hot and he would randomly make sure she was okay before himself. She had never met someone so selfless. Anija always trusted her instincts and she was right to take videos in front of his tesla.

She was scared to keep going forward with him but she always felt safe with him. She thought it would fizzle out after awhile but no he saw something in her that she couldn't see and stayed.

To others although they only got to seem small clips and glimpses of her. They did love her and some even made some fan pages, edits and blogs. All positive while some were negative but with Anija not being active for over two years, her account just stayed private at one point and with the CIA part of David's fans, they found her instagram and Anija ended gaining five hundred thousand followers until she went private. Although,
this wasn't her comeback to social media just the constant direct messages, people trying to call her on instagram, being tagged in multiple drama pages and more she just decided to go private and disable her page. It was never spoke of again.

After that it was silence on her page until tonight it was 3:30 AM and she decided to activate her page again. Soon after Ani changed her page around and deleted what she didn't others to see. She posted a black screen and wrote, "I'm back instagram!" and then silenced her phone laying it back on the counter.

Soon Anija fell asleep forgetting about her worries and the nagging feeling of her thoughts about motherhood.

Anija had no one to tell her about it besides the nurses that congratulated her. Sure, she appreciated them but outside of the job she loved she was alone.

Who was she going to go to if she needed advice? If she needed a mothers prospective? what she to do? if she needed relationship advice? Ani needed her own friends she couldn't be friends with David's friends just because of anything that could happen and while she knew they would have her back and not defend him in every situation she needed to find other people who aren't David's friend.

She wasn't sure what she wanted to do but she knew she wanted to speak to her family again. Especially since her sister and other relatives. Everything had put a terrible strain on her relationships.

Ani never spoke about it again David never pushed to speak about it. He never wanted to be the one to trigger any harsh or buried memories that were buried for a reason. At one point he wanted to reach out to her sister, in hopes of coming before the baby's born but in order to not lose Ani in the process he wanted to know she felt about it.

and he got just that.

a filler cuz i'm excited for the next chapter which will be 2 parts (: -A. 🖤 p.s. thank u again for 16K i love u all <3

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