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hey y'all, thank you for loving this story and being patient with me! it means the world i don't deserve you all but i am extremely grateful for you all! -A🖤 song above ⬆️


They breathed a loud sigh, Ani covered herself loosely with the blanket as David continued to rub himself against her pussy. They had lazy sex and it better for the trini since movement was limited. It was slow and sensual and Ani slowly moved back and forth feeling him go in and out.

They lazily kissed and touched each other, not a fast and hungry pace but very affectionate and loving.


I moaned quietly as he went in and out, feeling him felt so nice. I couldn't even remember the last we got this intimate. I made sure to not do a lot since I was in my last few weeks being pregnant. The need came and go, but I knew I wanted to do it before I gave birth. I told him to cum on me and not in me. I wasn't sure what would happen but I wanted to be cautious. Regardless I missed the feeling, I felt him leave love marks all over and rub my breasts slow and tug lightly at the nubs. It felt he was eating me alive with the marks all over me from my inner thighs up to neck he made sure to please me before himself. I felt so relaxed and pleasured.

I grabbed a clump of his hair as he continued to go in and out of me. Soon, I felt his lips on mine and we made out intensely. He was rubbing his hands all over my body. I felt him turn me on my side on the pregnancy pillow pillow as he started fucking me on my side.

I moaned loudly as he kept the same pace. Soon, he turned me on my side, where I would be comfortable and started leaving to leaving a trail of kisses all over me while picking up his pace. I tugged more at his hair as he pleasured me.


The Slovak continued to make love to the trini as this would be their last time since the baby would be arriving soon. It was unexpected how quick things escalated but they didn't seem to mind.

Sometime later they bathed and laid in bed. The Slovak still continued to rub and massage what was sore after the bath. The Slovak began to worry about her worrying that he might've caused it.

The trini assured him that wasn't the case. Still he worried and wanted her to be as comfortable as possible.

The news of the Slovak finally settling down and meeting someone new spread like rapid fire. Everyday he had interviews and more lined to talk about his life so far and what's been happening.

Nothing from the Slovak has been said but all they new from very little images and videos of Ani was that she may be pregnant of course everything posted about her was blurred or edited so one tried to find anything out about her.

David started taking more precautions and safety measures to protect her from stalker fans and paparazzi.

The only thing that the Slovak was waiting was the birth of the baby girl he had been hearing so much about. Sure he has always been around her in a sense but to soon meet her made him want to cry and throw up. David had never felt any responsibility like this in awhile but he felt ready and he had nerve fallen in love with someone like this before. It was all a foreign experience something not even the vlog squad understood.

Anija felt nervous about the idea of taking care of someone other then herself but it was happening just in twenty four hours. They would head to the hospital and finally give birth. What did make the trini sad was the absence of her own family, whom she hasn't spoken to in almost five years. She would be starting off the birth of child alone. She knew she would have David but she also wanted her child to have a village behind her. To be there for her, love her unconditionally, treat her as if they were her daughter or cousin or even god-daughter whatever they wanted to think of her as. Instead it was the complete opposite and Ani couldn't feel like more disappointed and hurt by it all. So many times she wanted to reach out but always chickened out, felt scared or hang up when it felt real.

Reaching out shouldn't have felt that way but it did and it hurt more then the Slovak could ever understand. Everyday she regretted going to that party and then telling her parents of her situation. It was something Ani could never forget.


i still haven't seen wakanda* forever , avatar or any other movie that came out. been so busy or just lazy. anyway, i love you all with everything in me. i am so proud of us for making it here all in one peace. seriously it's insane, but it doesn't feel the same...you know celebrating it just doesn't. but nonetheless, i got work tomorrow and i wanted to give you guys something. thank you for loving this story in all this entirety. to 2023! -A. 🖤 p.s. updating soon!!

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