The first I Love You

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Silver sat in her boyfriend's lap, her head on his shoulder, looking down at the book he was reading. Curious, she asked, "what are you reading?"

Y/n turned to Silver with an curious expression.
"Why do you ask?"

Silver shifted a little. "I've been reading it alongside you for the past few minutes, and it's not one of the more...informational books you read."

"Oh...well, I uh..."

"I've read about five pages of hardcore smutt."

Y/n blushed a mad red as his grip of the book tightened. "I...I...sorry. I've been trying to get into the kind of books you read."

Silver sat up and looked into Y/n's eyes. Her eyes squinted a little and an eyebrow slowly raised as she grew more and more concerned. "Why?"

"W-Well...I figured I'd need to learn how know."

Silver's eyes widened a little in realization. She raised a hand to cup her boyfriend's cheek, her mood and tone softening. "Babe, I don't care about whether or not you know how to have sex. I'm pretty sure neither of us are even ready for it. You don't need to change yourself to make me happy."

Y/n breathed a sigh of relief, his body relaxing rather rapidly, his stress being alleviated almost immediately.

"Now, that being said. I would like to finish this chapter. Watching that hard-on of yours twitch sends tingles throughout my body."

Y/n smiled, his cheeks flushing.

"You're so cute when you get flustered," Silver whispered, kissing Y/n's reddening cheek.

Silver froze in her seat, listening to the approaching footsteps. Turning her head, she groaned, spotting one of her comrades, Finch. Watching him smirk, she cast her deadly gaze.

"So, this is where our illustrious leader has been staying. Snugly in someone else's firm grip. Can't say I blame them for catching your eye."

"What do you want Finch?"

"Oh, nothing. I just came to tell you that Marcos has an idea and wants to pitch it to you tonight."

Silver leaned back, her delicate hand slowly pressing into her face. "So, a warning?"

"If you see it that way, yeah."

"Alright, I'll listen to his pitch."

"Alright. I'll tell the boys to be ready for anything."

"Thank you."

As Finch left, Y/n turned to Silver with a surprised expression.

"I assume you'll want an explanation."

Y/n sat in his seat for a moment before nodding slowly.

"Okay. I...I'm just going to be honest with you. I am part of a gang. A relatively large one. As well as one of it's most influential members."

Y/n raised an eyebrow. "And you didn't think about telling me until he walked through the door?"

"I didn't want to tell you at all really."

Y/n's eyes widen in shock. "And why's that?"

"If you didn't know, no one would around asking you questions."

Y/n tried to object, but a voice in his head whispered, "no, no. She's got a point."

"And plus, no one would think about trying to kill you. Though, now, I'd say that would be a stretch, all things considered."


"I-I know this is a lot to take in, but..."

"Okay. Let me get this straight. You chose not to tell about the whole gang thing to protect me from the fallout around you? And due to your enemies being solid pricks, I will likely be targeted by them?"

Silver looked down at her hands in shame before answering. "Yes."

Y/n sat there for a few minutes without so much as making a sound. Growing worried, Silver readied herself to make an escape. However, all her plans crumbled when Y/n's right hand found itself intertwining with hers.

"Silver..." The young strawberry blonde looked up at him with fear in her eyes. "You're the greatest thing to ever happen to me. I mean, I've been alone since birth. Thrown to the curb by my adoptive parents and left to the streets. I thought I was going to be alone for the rest of my life. But then...out of nowhere, you suddenly burst into my life. It was as if some small bit of color dropped into my life. I've never felt anything like this before."

Silver opened her mouth to speak, but was quickly shut down.

"Let me finish. And I would rather spend the rest of my life with you than anyone else in the universe. You make me feel...alive, happy even. To me, you are the only thing of worth I have. That's why I love you so much."

Silver's eyes widen at the words "I love you" as she covers her mouth in shock.

"The past four years of my life have been heavenly compared to the time before it. I are everything to me. I'm quite alright with you having that side of your life. But...if you ever need someone to lean on, to take a break from it, I will always be here. Just for you."

The words echoed through her mind. Her heart fluttered and soared, her lips crashing against her lover's in a tidal wave of passion. In that moment, all their cares melted, both of them focused only on each other.

Pulling away ever so slightly, Silver gazed into Y/n's eyes and whispered, "I love you too."

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