Getting To Know One Another

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Y/n sat alone at his favorite table, one hidden in the farthest corner. He'd been able to find peace of mind there and decided to take a moment to think.

The last few days had been a doozy. First, his bully gets scared off by one of the school's delinquents, and now he has to worry about everything that comes with the idea of a romantic relationship with that very same delinquent, Silver Shepard.

After a while of sitting in his seat, his girlfriend, approached him with her casual resting bitch face. Her eyes were filled with a dark red flame that terrified the young man in his seat. Sitting next to him, she asked, "hungry?"

The boy nodded sullenly. He'd lost his lunch earlier that day by one of the bullies on campus, Jester Kester. Silver took a moment to smile and pulled out a large Beef Pot Pie from her backpack, she opened the box and said, "wait here."

Raising an eyebrow, Y/n watched Silver make her way over to the microwave and heat up the Beef Pot Pie. Turning back to the table, he waited for a couple minutes before he found a spoon in a steaming meal sitting right there in front of his face, the the steam moving up into his nostrils. Turning to Silver, he eyed her skeptically, looking her up and down for a sign of malice.

"Eat up. We have ST this afternoon."

With that she walked away. Y/n was confused, what the hell was ST?

It would be only hours later when he found out what it meant, and it was rather...strange. Later that evening, he stood in the living room of her apartment. Looking around the room, he couldn't help but notice how plain it seemed to be while his shorter girlfriend chewed some bubblegum.

"Alright. My lap, now."

Y/n stood there, confused, tilting his head a little. Though after a minute, he started unbuckling his pants only for Silver to stop.

"Woah, woah, woah! What are you doing?" The goth asked loudly as she looked away.

"I thought we were going to have sexual therapy," Y/n signed.

"Why would I tell you to have sex with me? That's not how real relationships work. At least not ones where you barely know the person! I meant Snuggle Time."

To say that Y/n felt stupid was an understatement. Groaning in embarrassment, he signed, "sorry. I didn't know what you meant."

Silver shook her head. "No, no. It's partially my fault. I thought you'd know what I meant automatically, but I was wrong. My bad."

After standing in front of the woman for what seems like an eternity, Y/n releases an audible sigh.

Silver raised an eyebrow and smirked, asking, "so, are you gonna lay down and snuggle with me?"

Y/n blinked twice before nodding. Walking up to Silver, he sat next to her on her couch and laid his head on her shoulder.

"This better?" She asked, softly raising one of her bangs and moving it back before turning to the window to look at the city around them.

Y/n nodded softly, the edge of his lips curling into a smile. It wasn't long before his eyes grew heavy. He thought it was very...odd. Growing tired due to simply sharing body heat through close contact.

Damn...I did not think he was going to be this heavy. Silver thought.

It wasn't a burden to hold him, but it was a bit uncomfortable for her. That was until he moved into a more comfortable spot himself, relieving some of the discomfort he'd unknowingly put on Silver.

It was when everything grew quiet and the young goth could hear herself think when she started to realize the scope of what she's done.

"This is gonna end so badly..."

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