All I want is you...

Start from the beginning

A few moments later, Inosuke comes rushing into the room and plots onto his own bed. Seems like he's been on quite the adventure..then Tanjiro walks in, I make sure to do my absolute best at avoid eye contact with him. So, I just focus on Nezuko. "Mmh!" She greets Tanjiro. As he smiles, I could feel his eyes lay on me..And I wanted to die..

"H-hey Nezuko? You want me to brush your hair?" I know how much she loves it when others do her hair. "Mhm!" She nods in agreement. As I go looking for a brush, I swing open every cabinet or drawer in there. Until I found one just perfect for her in the dresser. However, it was right on top of the shelf. Just my luck.. 

I try my best to not make it seem obvious I needed help, but the more I tried, the more it looked as if I needed it..

"Come on...damnit!" I whispered to myself. I was so mad, why couldn't I reach it?! 

After struggling for a bit, I got tired of jumping or standing on my tippy toes trying to get it. UGHHH! Why was I cursed with this height?...T-T (actually he's taller than me- LOL-) 

I was about to try again, until I felt a presence behind me. I assumed it was Nezuko, but this wasn't her sound. Inosuke maybe? Whoever it was, they stood VERY close behind was kinda creepy. Tall arms reached up and grabbed the brush for me. Thank god..A savior has come at last.. "T-thank you." I said trying to hide my sweat. I turned around and instantly wished I didn't.

Who had just helped me


Was stand VERY close was..

"T-t-tanjiro?.." I flushed red so fast I couldn't even realize it. 

He just stood there. I-idoit! Don' you realize other people are here, watching?! "D-don't look at me like that..idiot.." I mumbled to myself but to my surprise he heard. "Well, this idiot helped you. So your welcome." He replied to me with a cheeky smile. I wanted to punch him. 

"W-whatever..just- gimme." 

I reacher for it, but then he pulled the unthinkable (pt2) 

He raised his hand up a bit. Just enough so I couldn't reach it. 

"Your going to have to get it yourself!" He said chuckling a bit. 

"Y-you bastard.." I kept looking at his hand slowly dropping down, just to raise it up again as I reach for it. 

"Just give it to me! Stop messing with me!" I started jumping for it, but he raised it super high this time. 

"E-eh...f-fine! You win! I give up!" I admit defeat. I could already tell Inosuke and Nezuko were watching the whole thing. 

"Heh, no you can have it. I was just teasing you." He then gave it to me while smiling. "Seeing you reach for it was just cute and all." 

"W-what?..don't say stuff like that Tanjiro.." I wanted to act like I didn't know what he was talking about. (Yeah that didn't work either) 

"Wow. Monjiro acts so different when he's around Monitsu!" Inosuke makes a comment which I stumbled on. What did he mean by that? "E-eh?..he acts like this around everyone.." I hope this doesn't mean anything...does he only bully me?

"Dude. Get a grip. I've never seen him do that with anyone!" Inosuke said, as Nezuko huffed in agreement. "He sees you as a hopeless brother!" Inosuke then starts laughing , which I start pouting. 

"W-what? No he doesn't! He just bullies me!" I cross my arms and look at the ground. Maybe they were right..we do act like brothers sometimes..

"However, that love Hashira told me some stuff about love once. When someone bullies another person, it means they like them." Inosuke then looks at the two of us, then at Nezuko. They both stay silent as the two of us look at them. What were they on about?

"Uhh..guys?.." I was trying to break the ice until I saw Nezuko smirk up at Inosuke? (Nani?) 

Inosuke looks up at the two of us, "You guys must like each other then, don't you?" 

I paused at his words, then looked up at Tanjiro. He had a surprised expression with a bit of pink on his cheeks. 

"N-no! None of us do! We're just friends! Can't you tell?" I tried my best to prove my point but I just couldn't find a reason to disagree with him...

"This is all..too much." I was about to leave the room, but Tanjiro grabbed my wrist. "Zenitsu. It's okay to be embarrassed. It happens! Plus, they were both just messing around." Tanjiro gives me a reinsuring look, which was enough to calm me down.

"F-fine..just- don't say things like that Inosuke!" I stuck my tongue out at him, which he did not like one bit. "HOW DARE YOU! I WAS JUST SAYING! YOU BOTH LOOK LIKE YOU LIKED EACH OTHER EVER SINCE THE DAY WE MET! IT'S ALL JUST TRUE FACTS!!" He starts shouting his nonsense, but secretly I'm paying attention to every word that he's saying. 

"Maybe he's right." I mumbled before sitting back down next to Nezuko, brushing her hair. 

Little did HE know, Tanjiro heard that. 


PHEW! This chapter took a long time to write. Sorry about that T-T. School is just a big thing to deal with on it's own.

Anyway bye ducks love you ❤️ 

Word count: 1391

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