Maybe he's the one..

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*in the butterfly mansion*

No one pov:

Nezuko gave Zenitsu a look with dotted eyes. "D-don't look at me like that!" Zenitsu's face started burning red. "Mmhh..." Nezuko starting making noises and doing hand gestures. Now, the problem was, Zenitsu can't speak demon, well at least not Nezuko demon. 

"I can't understand you, but I'll assume your making fun of me?" Zenitsu looked down at his lap. "Hmmh!" Surprisingly Nezuko shook her head. She wasn't all that interested in these types of things, but she would never make fun of anyone who was. 

"Mmmhmm!" She gave Zenitsu a smile through her bamboo. That meant she was happy? (😈👿👹👺) "Heh..thanks Nezuko." Zenitsu was relieved that he wasn't being made fun of. 

She got out of her fort and ran over to Zenitsu, wanting something. (His 9 inch juicy- KIDDING XDX$DDXXX) "H-huh? What is it Nezuko?"  She just picked up his hand and put it on top of her head. "..Oh!" Zenitsu understood the assignment. "You want head pats?" "Mmmmh!!" Nezuko squealed. And with that, Zenitsu gave her head pats until she went back into her fort to sleep. 

"-sigh-  I can't even look him in the eye anymore, Maybe it's best to avoid him.." Zenitsu argued with himself for a moment, "No! He did nothing wrong, what's the matter with me?!" ....."But..I think this is the only way for me to know.. 

I'm sorry..Tanjiro."

Tanjiro pov:

Ever since, Zenitsu's been acting a little...different. (He's on his period no judge 👩‍⚖️) Whenever I see him and Inosuke, he's runs or makes an excuse just to not be around me. The last mission we went on he wouldn't even look at me. It kinda hurts..

I was training outside like I always do. (Couldn't be me I missed so many karate classes 😥🤧🤧🤭🤧🤭😵‍💫🤭😵‍💫)  Until I could smell Zenitsu's scent just around the corner. I didn't want him to run away from me again, so I slowly but quickly followed it. I peeked to see him talking to some random goofy looking hobo, from the sound of it they were laughing and looked like they were having fun..

I couldn't help but get frustrated..wait..why am I so mad? Zenitsu can hangout with whoever he wants to. I shouldn't get mad at these things. (Ain't he older than you anyway?)  

I snapped back into reality to see Zenitsu looking at me. I just brushed it off and went back to training. I couldn't help but feel mad..and also sad.

*sunset at butterfly mansion* 

No one pov: 

Zenitsu was inside the mansion helping setup the dining room for dinner, along with Inosuke taking all the snacks. (Weirdo -.-) He couldn't stop thinking about his friend. They had only known each other from missions, but they were already like brothers to one another. (Ya'll if you want call him goofers.) "I'm glad your alright..." Zenitsu muttered under his breath. Meanwhile, Inosuke had snuck up on Zenitsu, "Who's alright?" He said straight in his ear. "GAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Zenitsu completely jumped, "D-DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT EVER!" he jabbed a finger towards Inosuke. 

"Well you keep talking to yourself like a weirdo, and besides that, Monjiro is acting weird." Inosuke said while picking his nose. (Gross..) "Huh? How so, what do you mean?" Zenitsu was thrown off by what he had just said. What did that mean? 

The way I feel around you...(Tanzen)Where stories live. Discover now