It's not what you think!

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*din din time butterfly mansion*

No one pov:

Zenitsu had completely froze and was at loss for words, how could he ever explain this?! (Sounds like a you problem tbh🫠)

Tanjiro on the other hand, was TOTALLY fine! Couldn't he had been embarrassed maybe even a little? How dare he leave Zenitsu with all this pressure to deal with! "Oh, I had forgotten about that. Zenitsu, it's alright if you wish to wear it longer. I don't mind at all!" Tanjiro had said with the brightest smile some of the candles were lit from it. That cause zenitsu to have yet another gay panic attack and was enough for him to excuse himself from the dinner table. 

He walked into the halls of the mansion trying his hardest to clear his mind from that horrible awful, and to think Tanjiro would have been a little more discreet..(nah bro, jit can't even lie with a straight face.) 

"-sigh- That was so humiliating..." Zenitsu tried his hardest not to turn into a beet again, but of course that failed completely. "How will they ever NOT suspect something now? They're onto us.." Zenitsu stopped in his tracks. "W-wait..what am I saying? Me and Tanjiro are NOT a thing..a-and that won't happen! Unfortunately..WAIT NO! GAHH!" He was arguing with himself in the middle of the about delusional 🥱.

Zenitsu pov: I was pulling my hair trying to get a grip of myself. What do I mean by unfortunately? That's just how it's gonna be! Right?..Y-yeah! Who said he's even into boys..who said I was even into them. that I think of it, I haven't really been feeling the same way I felt with girls before. Like chasing Nezuko was fun and all,'s not really my type of thing. Ugh..What's up with me?! These past few weeks have been full of mystery and confusing thoughts and..I JUST WANT THEM TO GO AWAY!

As I was in the middle of my small little rant, I almost immediately jumped in mid air as I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. "Zenitsu!" They said. Wait..I know this voice..I turned around and I was right. Murata. "A-ah..hello!" I said trying to sound as normal as I could be. "Where have you been? There is so much you've missed! Apparently some rumor is being spread around about someone and tanjiro doing some weird things.." when he said that my heart dropped. W-what? What could he mean by that? 

"Weird..things?." I repeated. "Yeah! Someone was on top of him and..-" "WHAT? HOW WOULD YOU HAVE KNOWN? IT WAS JUST AN ACCIDENT AND ALL! THEY ALL HAPPEN-" "Woah there chill! They're just rumors! No one really knows if they're  true or not anyway.." He replied with a sigh hopping Zenitsu wouldn't lash out on him again.

" seem stressed about something. Wanna talk about it?" Murata said trying to sound like Tanjiro. (It worked cause zenitsu is dum) Zenitsu replied with giving him a fat hug. He needed it after all. "Can we just not talk about that..please?.." He was hoping Murata would agree. (Wimp) "Of course, anything to make you feel better. I didn't know you felt offended by it, my apologies." Murata was a sweetheart to the friend group. (Second place to Tanjiro) he would stop anything to help his friends. 

"We can talk more about this is the morning, I have to see the Insect hashira for something.." He said that last part in a more worried/scared tone. Is he that afraid of the hashira? Anyway, Zenitsu agreed to that, and went back to the akward dinner table. 

Zenitsu pov: 

I walked back, trying to act as brave as possible. Man that was face was already turning more red every breath I took. "There you are." Aoi said looking at me, "Where were you? Inosuke ate of of your food." She pointed to him as he was just giggling and running in circles. (He's just high no need to worry.) "Sorry, I was just uh...w-walking!" I'm not good at making excuses. "That's odd, you usually never waste time eating dinner." Tanjiro looked at me, which sent shivers down my spine. "I-I-I JUST NEEDED SOME SPACE!" I replied covering my face. 

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