"If I told you I am looking at the greatest power source we could ever wish for," she spoke, half to him, half to the stars, pupils dilated, madness sparkling on her skin, "would you trust me?" That was a stupid question. "Would you send me up there first?" That was a dangerous question to follow with.

At 2:12 Howard held the physical and mathematical proof that Joanna had discovered an energy burst the size of their planet, hiding in Saturn's shadow. A call, she named the idea, the urge to look up exactly at that spot, exactly at that moment, in order to see a glimpse of what could only be the unimaginable.

March 23rd, 1940. Aware he was taking a gamble yet absolutely dismissive of it, CALL 2.1, a Stark Industries spacecraft, successfully leaves the Earth atmosphere, with destination Saturn. On board: Joanna and her companion robot.

September 1st, 1943. Howard Stark receives confirmation that CALL 2.1 had been destroyed by an unidentified object.

A call. A undefined force pulled Joanna not towards the stars, but exactly towards Saturn, exactly at that time in the infinity of existence.

She saw the sentient energy burn bright, tear through her ship, eat metal alive and slip under her skin. Joanna Parrion, the insignificant speck of dust, died, but she, the spark, the wanderer, the stardust of kindness and hope... She lived.

          IN WHICH the Soul Stone is sentient and, in a search for a compatible vessel to help them escape their fate at the hands of the Mad Titan, they choose Joanna Parrion. Unexpectedly, though the consciousness of the human had to be extinguished by the Soul Stone in order to claim the body, a spark of the girl's mind endured and in collision with it, a new soul was formed. She is something new now; has been for many years... something unamed, something that no one dared define.

Enter: the legendary outlaw and his Guardians of the Galaxy.


Jenna-Louise Coleman as

Jenna-Louise Coleman asJOANNA

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" i am the sol... stone?
so you think i look like...
a space rock? "

a space rock? "

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