Chapter 9: He's Worth It

Start from the beginning

"What did he say to you?"

Ishani knew it couldn't have had been pretty.

Meera recalled everything for the third time. From the way he stood in front of her without an ounce of emotion on his face to his curt responses that had felt like sharp knives, cutting on her skin.

"He made me like an idiot who doesn't know what she feels." Meera sniffed.

"Sounds like someone, I know," Ishani muttered, contemptuously. "Men are idiots when it comes to dealing with something as complicated as love. And when they can't understand it, they start belittling it. To soothe themselves."

"Ahana and Logan both said the same thing." Ishani raised her thinly groomed eyebrow. "That's why I snapped. I was done with everyone thinking they had a better grasp on my emotions than I had."

She was tired of people assuring her that she'll get over this. As if it was a seasonal flue. Two days of medicines and her feelings will be gone.

"If you are too going to say something along those same lines then spare me." She gave her cousin a look.

"I wasn't." Ishani reassured her. "I've been there. Still am," she chuckled humorlessly. "So, I'm going to tell you something that I wish someone had told me."

Ishani faced her and held her hands, giving it a squeeze.

"It's okay to feel what you feel. To love whom you love even if they don't love you back. As long as they deserve it and as long as it feels right. And you shouldn't have to feel guilty about it or let anyone dictate you otherwise. For your love is yours to give and yours to take, whether it is received well or not."

Meera pursed her lips, overwhelmed at the gesture and hugged her cousin,

"Thank you," she breathed.

Ishani was only a few months older to Meera. But in times like these when Meera needed someone to assure her, to comfort her, Ishani took the mantle of an elder sister, of a confidant, a friend. Knowing exactly what to say and how.

That night Meera couldn't sleep. It was one of those nights where her brain was too tired to function yet too active to relax. She stared enviously at the sleeping girl beside her, mourning the death of her slumber, who killed it.

Soon enough, her stomach growled asking for nourishment. Sighing, Meera padded her way outside, not at all careful about her loud footsteps but that sleep monster did not even flinch, already in her dreamworld.

Once in the kitchen, she scourged through the fridge, settling on one of the island high chairs with a bowl of vanilla ice cream and chocolate brownie.

She was looming over Ishani's words and she agreed. She shouldn't feel ashamed of loving Dev. Or guilty. At least she got to know what it felt like to love someone. Even if it remained unrequited. Dev was worth it.

She was almost finished when she heard someone's footfalls approaching. Meera froze like a deer caught in the headlight. If her mother caught her in the middle of the night eating ice cream there'd be questions and then she'd take it upon herself to make her something healthy.


Meera relaxed back. It was just her father. He came around and stood opposite to her.

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