Chapter 8

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     The furniture will be here tomorrow, do you still want to help put it together?

     I don't get a response the rest of the morning, I'm busy in my store arranging items on shelves when I decide to add a follow up.

     Don't feel like you have to, I can do it by myself. I add a smiley face.

     It's not that, just busy at the moment sweetheart.

     Oh okay.

     My phone starts to ring, I answer it. "Hello?"

     "Hi is this Miss Layla Jones?"


     "I'm Harold Kane, your lawyer sent me your information to transfer you to my firm. If you have time today we can finish up the sale on you both your house and apartment."

     "Sure I can head over now."

      He sends me the address, and boo it's across town. Could this be the friend that's always so busy and a lawyer? That would be too much of a coincidence right?

     I check my clothes and hair in the bathroom mirror, I'm in a comfy pair of yoga pants and a plain black t shirt, I guess I look okay enough.

     I lock up my store, only one more week to go! I look longing towards the bar, then hurry to my car. I turn on the radio and sing along through the biggest traffic congested area of Houston. The drive to the lawyer's office totally sucks. I send my lawyer in NY a text confirming this was his idea. He assures me I'll be in good hands, and tells me to let him know if I ever decide to come back.

     The law firm is in one of the biggest buildings in the city, and I have to go to a parking garage and walk to it. I ask the front desk to direct me to Mr. Kane's office, and am sent up a flight of stairs to another receptionist. She's a very curvy brunette, and sways seductively as she leads me to his office.

     "Mr. Kane I have a Ms. Jones here to see you." She opens his door.

     Harold Kane sits behind a big desk that takes up most of the space, a bookshelf is crammed to one side, and two over sized chairs take up the rest of the space. His whole office is navy and black, which also matches his suit. He gets up to shake my hand.

     "Please have a seat. That will be all Ms. Rameriaz."

     The brunette pouts then closes the door. I narrow my eyes at her. Harold chuckles at my response to her.

     "Thank you for seeing me on such short notice."

     I take him in, blonde, blue gray eyes. "Oh shit you're the dad from goodwill." I blurt.

     His eyes widen as he looks over me, he grabs his phone flipping through the texts. Then grins showing me the screen, on it is a picture of Jackson and I at I.h.o.p, "And you would be that Layla that has my friends all smitten."

     I bit my lip, "Yep I guess that's me. So my apartment sold?"

     "Yes, okay let's get into all of this."

     Our meeting takes several hours and I'm wiped at the end of it, who knew signing so many documents could be so draining.

     Harold stands and stretches, "Well we're done, would you want to join me for an early dinner?"

     I blink surprised, "Is that allowed?"

     He shrugs, "The rest of the guys have gotten to spend a lot more time with you so I'd say we should. Plus, I think you owe me if you want me to spend my free evening building furniture." He winks.

     I blush, "I guess let's go then.

     We go to a quiet mexican restaurant. I tell Jackson who I'm with, and get an immediate 'lucky dog'. As a response. I giggle. Then turn my attention back to Harold. "So is your daughter home with your wife?"

     He shifts uncomfortably, "No wife, Audry's mother signed over full custody the day she was born. Audry is with my mother while I'm at work, thank goodness for her."

     "She's really cute, how old is she?"

     He frowns, "Usually if I mention I'm a dad the date is over."

     "Well this isn't a date, and I happen to love kids."

     He smirks more to himself, "She's four, and goes back to pre-school next week. Which will give my mom some time back to herself."

     "That age is so much fun. Do women really leave when you tell them?"

     He nods, "Yeah it's not very attractive for a twenty-two year old to have a kid."

     "I find it very sexy that you're a single dad." My hand flies up to cover my mouth, "Omg I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that out loud. You know you should bring her tomorrow. I'd love to hang out with her."

     Harold grins, "I'll think about it."

     We spend the meal talking about our hobbies, music choices, etc. This feels like the most date like out of all the meals I've had with the guys. I really like it, I really like Harold. I feel so bad that Audry has never had a mother. On my drive back to my house I try not to think how I have a house big enough for all of them plus Audry, and what would happen if I date them all? 

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