The Investigation (11)

Start from the beginning

 Light pulled out the notes and a few of the photos out of his bag and set them on the desk. M buried his face in his hands and sighed, trying to control his tears. 

“You- You really just have the best timing, don’t you..?” M mumbled between sobs, not bothering to glare at Light, not even bothering to look at the papers. He knew what they probably were, but he didn’t care. His best friend was now missing.

“...I’m sorry to bring this upon you so quickly”, Light said, trying his best to have some sympathy in his voice. He really did feel bad, but this was also the quickest way to find Sabre. He hated that emotions and logic couldn’t mix well without someone hating the taste of it.

“Mhm- Mhm.” M mumbled out through his tears, fully crying now. He finally stared up at Light, his eyes already becoming bloodshot. Light’s heart twinged for a moment, and he stared at M. The words he previously had in mind seemed unimportant to say now.

Slowly, Light hugged him, trying to hold him firmly. He forgot how to understand emotion fully, like he used to a few years ago. Warm, cold, hot, soft, firm, he more just saw emotion through color now. It was easier than making everything messy, to pinpoint the exact feelings that needed to be met for it.

Despite his lack of thought for it, M hugged him back anyways. 

Light forced a smile for comfort, even though M preferred his usual blank face. It made M feel a bit better knowing he was at least trying to comfort him. 


It’d been hours since Light had investigated Sabre’s house.

M had told him he’d give the papers to the professor tomorrow, both out of his own emotion and concern for how Professor Red would react to it. Light understood well enough, despite wanting to get everything done to find Sabre as quickly as possible.

Now he was pacing the kingdom, thinking if he should tell the leaders about this. On one hand, if he did there’s a chance their kingdoms would find out too, and that would lead to even more of a mess. If he didn’t though, everyone might think Sabre is somewhere else and gone for months again.

Which he was, but not to the same degree as before. 

“Light! G-General Light!” He perked up as he heard a somewhat familiar voice from behind him. He turned to see a boy with dull golden hair and overalls, with little lemon pins along the straps for them. 

“Is there any news on Sorin yet?- It’s been a week- two-? No, no, about a week… and a half?- Since I reported his disappearance. Have you found him? Anything at all?”

Light paused, and felt a little worse about himself to realize he hadn’t thought much about it, especially now that he compared it to Sabre’s disappearance.

“No, I’m sorry. We’ll find him soon, but a new missing case has just begun. We have a bit to deal with, but I promise-”

“No you don’t! Where is he?!- It’s one kid, how hard can it be?!” The boy yelled out, making a few people turn their heads to look. Light sighed, trying to think of a response. Truthfully, he didn’t have one. There wasn’t a defense for this.

“What’s your name?- I.. Look, I’m sorry, okay? There's a lot we’re working on.”

“..Copper. My name is Copper. Have you not… found anything about Sorin yet?”

Light shook his head, “No.” 

Copper looked to the ground and groaned. He felt horrible, he had no idea where Sorin was and nobody was helping him. The colorless guards had their own priorities, and Sorin wasn’t really a recognized face. He had no one, nobody. It was eating him up from inside, and that scared him to hell and back.

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