I decided to wear a long-sleeved dark green dress that had small cutouts in the sides, and was pretty short, but not too short, so Pedri wouldn't go ballistic.

I curled my lashes, put on the Dior lip oil and grabbed my black clutch.

"Pequeña, vamos! We'll be late!" Pedri yelled.

"Okay, coming!" Once I came down the stairs the two boys stopped in their tracks and stared at me.

Ferran whispered something into Pedri's ear and Pedri hit him in the stomach, making Ferran double over.

"You look good. Next time try something even shorter though, it's not like we can see everything yet," Pedri rolled his eyes with a chuckle.

"It's not that short!"

"I for one, don't mind," Ferran distanced himself from Pedri to avoid being hit a third time.


We entered the restaurant, immediately basked in red and orange lights. It radiates coziness.

Pedri checked us in, said we were with the others, and he was sorry that we came last, not mentioning that I was the reason.

Ferran, on the other hand was annoying me. Not really. I was enjoying his short attention span and how he seemed so curious what it was like outside of Spain.

"Haven't you been outside of Spain before?"

"Yeah—but that's only for football," he hesitates, "and for other stuff, but mostly football." I just nod.

"But...you could take me with you to New York whenever you have you're next modeling competition or whatever those are called," he gave me a smile like he was a child begging his mother for a lollipop.

"Does that mean I'll have to pay for you? I saw you devour those chicken wings Pedri ordered. I'm afraid my bank account would be at zero after the first trip to a restaurant," I raised my eyebrow, hiding a smile.

"Not true!" He scoffed rolling his eyes, but then he started laughing, which made me laugh and before you know it, we were both laughing until our abs hurt. I don't even know why. We were the most boring people ever but we kept laughing just because the other was laughing.

We only stopped laughing when people around us staring whistling, and we looked up.

"Ferran, who's that you got there?"

"New couple alert!"

"Uhm, perdón, what? No, she's 17 guys. No dating for her yet," Pedri looks at the guys sitting at the table alarmingly. I don't think the others know that he's seeing someone though. 

While Pedri gets into a fight with the others about him being 'too overprotective' and a 'party pooper', Ferran quickly whispers in my ear.

"This is the Fcbarcelona team for you, in all their glory."

Ferran leads me to a seat and sits in the one next to mine, while Pedri takes my left. I can feel all the others' gazes on me.

"So...Pedri, you gonna tell us who this gorgeous chica is?"

"She's 17, por el amor de dios!" The others burst out laughing, but didn't take the compliment back.

"Anyways, this is Alisa, the one I've been talking about," he says as he looks at me.

"Sounds way weirder when you phrase it that way," I whisper so only he can hear. He gives me that annoyed look and takes his hand to mess with my hair. I manage to duck out of the way.

"The model?" I turn to see Ansu Fati and a couple others gaping.

"And my best friend," Pedri says, proudly.

"I bet you've bragged more about this than the goals you scored." All the others start laughing, some agreeing some muttering something in Spanish that sounded a lot like, "Ella es divertida."

(She's fun/she's a fun one)

After that, all the players stood up and introduced themselves, some shaking my hand, some hugging, but they all seemed very welcoming and I was glad.

Just then, a guy came up the table, his hands full with a plate and food. He looked around, confused.

"Ay, Gavi, while you were busy with your beloved food, we met one of the worlds' youngest and most famous models."

His eyes landed on mine, his gaze sharp and calculating, but at the same time tender and curious.

Once he stopped studying my face, he frowned. Or maybe that was his rest face.

"Ah. Hi," he nodded, his lips sealed tight

To my surprise, he came over, all the way from the other side of the table, and stopped a couple inches away from me.

Even though I was a model, I wasn't the tallest. Plus, I still had a year to grow.

Because of this, I had to look up to meet his eyes.

He took my hand, raising it to his mouth, and presses his full lips onto the knuckle of my middle finger.

He looks up at me from that position, one corner of his mouth tipping up.

And then he was gone, walking to the other side of the table, the place where had so tenderly kissed my hand was now freezing cold.

"Did that already," Ferran piped up behind me.

"Someone's jealous," Ansu laughed from across, moving over so Gavi could sit next to him.

Pedri just sighs.


js wanted to come out and say that this thing with Ferran is a flirty friendship okk.
and this is before sira!!! (well kind of, you guys are gonna meet her in a couple of chapters)
if anyone was confused 👍👍

but yea how did you guys like this chapter?? any recommendations are welcome :))

oh and don't forget to the click the star and comment! 💞

Word Count: 1428

Collide | Pablo GaviOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora