Ch- 23 Misunderstandings.🌹 pt1

Comenzar desde el principio

The front of the store was bright purple and white, stripes running on columns and clothing on stands in front of the store

It.. wasn't as packed as I was expecting 

"Cmon why're you guys just standing there and staring!"

"we have clothes to try on~!" Elaine squeals for the fifth time today

I seat myself nicely on a cushioned sofa, expecting to wait five lifetimes before they finish trying on one dress

"Oh no you don't! up!" Remi tries to get me off the couch, with no prevail 

My brows furrow

"Am I supposed to stand and watch you do a fashion show? well excuse me prince-" 

"You're gonna try on clothes with us doofus" Sera says, while successfully shoving me (quite violently) into a changing booth and closing the curtain

"Yea its no fun if were the only ones trying stuff on!" Remi helps her, enthusiastically 

"Hey-!" I try to get out before clothes come raining onto me

"So I don't even get to choose??" I groan

"Nope" Sera replies in the distance

I stand in the booth awkwardly before checking out the clothes that were thrown onto me

A dark grey dress shirt.. black pants.. and a black belt





I pull open the curtain and step out

Looking to my side I spot the group, all ready and changed into different outfits. minus Arlo and Isen

"Woah John you look nice!" Remi compliments 

"My taste in clothing never fails" Sera says smugly

I awkwardly shuffle not sure on how to respond to the sudden barrage of positivity

"..thanks." I reply quietly

"Yea! he looks handsome, if only he smiled more.." Elaine says, very blatantly

Did Isen not tell her who I am yet?

Or what I can do to her?

I guess he really can shut his mouth if he tries hard enough.

"He smiles a whole bunch though?" Sera raises a brow

The three girls fall silent

"Sera, I think that's Just you" Blyke breaks the silence

They laugh

I sigh and take a step back to sit on the cushioned sofa I was promptly dragged off of earlier

"What's taking the those two so long! we finished wayyy before them!" Elaine complains

"Im sure they're just testing their options. Lets wait a bit longe-"

As if on cue a curtain flies open, and Isen steps out with..

a skirt.

and thigh high socks

One that goes far above the knee, barely covering anything, pink and pleated with a black belt. It looks as though a single soft blow of wind could--

Aghh I got a mental image.. 


Wait what the hell is he wearing underneath if the skirt is that short?

My jaw stays in place though I cant say the same about Remi, Blyke or Elaine whose jaws seem to have reached earths inner core

Remi looks like she's on the verge on screaming while elaine is about to pass out

And Blyke...god what's wrong with Blyke? is he in a trance?

"whaddaya think?~" Isen asks with his hand on his chin, posing with impeccable pride 

Blyke stumbles backwards

"You should try one on too! lets match!" Isen says, trying to yank Blyke into the changing room

How the hell did I get here.

"you--" Elaine holds her head down, shaking violently

"YOU LOOK AMAZING" She finally lets out

While the girls are fawning over Isen, I hear the quiet sound of curtains moving

I glance to a stall on the far corner to see Arlo step out, wearing a black turtle neck of which clinging to his body tightly showing off his figure, muscles clearly imprinted on the fabric

oh, and  loose grey pants


My face feels hot

Our eyes meet and I snap away

I recall what he said at the sports festival

"its rude to stare"

 shame covers me like an umbrella. the flush of heat spreads itself further 

Where the fuck did this feeling come from.. why am I..

"Alright gang lets go!" Elaine exclaims 


I break my hard thought to look up, seeing Isen back in his normal clothes along with Arlo

How long was I sitting there thinking???

"Wait I gotta change--" I attempt to say

"I already paid for the clothes so just wear them, lets go" Sera smirks, already making her way to the door

"Wha??-wait!!" I say in protest





Vote if you enjoyed~ :)

(Take this as an early apology for the inconsistent uploads 💀)

   (and for what im abt to do in the next part :)) )

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