-ch 4- Cemetery

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Dee walks up to me, his face a light pink. "So first we will go to the cemetery, since it's close by. That's where we will meet up with Lif, my friend!" He awkwardly looks at his feet.

"Well let's get going then!" I keep an upbeat mood to get him out his comfort zone. Hopefully things won't get too awkward..

-At the cemetery-

We approach a skinny goth girl. She stands up from the bench to walk over to us "Hey Dee! Oh and this must be Y/N! How are you?" I was excited to meet another cool person "I'm good!" I look around "this place seems relaxing." Lif sits back down "it sure is, perfect place to draw." Dee sat down next to her "Hey Y/N enjoys drawing too! Come over here Y/N."

I awkwardly walk over with a smile. I felt so happy meeting people with the same interests as me. I sit down as Lif shows me her sketch book "This is a new one I brought and I already filled half of it!" She flips through the pages "amazing! I brought my own sketch book let me show you."

After a while of me and Lif showing each other's our drawings, and drawing everything we see. Dee seemed to be angry, Lif pulls him aside.

-Lif's pov-

"Dee why do you seem so upset?" I was hoping that he wasn't upset at Y/N since she is such a kind girl, and he can get a bit mean when he's mad. Dee pouts and looks away "You guys are really kicking it off... I don't know what to bring up." I cross my arms and give him a smug look "Dee you really like her! Didn't you just meet her?" His face turns redder than a tomato. "I DO- I don't! I don't like her. We just met." He makes me roll my eyes a million times, It so was obvious.

"Well let's head to the diner, and I'll sit by myself so you don't get jealous~"

-Your pov-

I walk up to Dee and Lif "hey Dee... Did I upset you?" Dee anxiously looks at his feet "N- no! Don't worry I just had some things in my mind! Me and Lif were just planning on heading to the diner now actually."

"Oh ok let me grab my bag!" I ran over to grab my bag. My head was spinning I thought I did something. Lif walks over to me and bends over and whisper something in my ear...

"Oh okayy, I'll try" I respond, Lif winks at me before walking back to Dee. Out of the corner of my eye I can see him turning red "What did you say?"

(A/N: another short chapter so sorry 😭. I was having a hard time today with writing the characters, if you couldn't tell. A lot of sloppy writing, but I hope you guys enjoyed it!

And since school is starting again chapters will come out slower than usual :'(. But I will try to write everyday for anybody who likes my story :D)

-complicated- Dee x Reader (Laid Off Story :/)Where stories live. Discover now