-ch 2- New friend

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"That was odd" I thought to myself. Maybe the boy was just too nervous to wave back.

I walked back inside to ask my parents permission to head to Victoria and Glams house. After they nodded yes, Heavy lead the way to his house. "This is my house! Sorry it's a bit messy right now! Lemme show you to my brother Dee's room." I looked around, a nice spacious house kinda like mine. "So that's his name, Dee..." I followed Heavy upstairs where he knocked on a door "Dee! We have a guest! It's our new neighbor!" The boy Dee opened the door a smidge "Uh hello, Heavy can you grab me a drink." heavy rolled his eyes and ran downstairs.

I stood there awkwardly "you can come in." I walked into his room "nice bookshelf, what do you have here?"
"Books." He replies. My palms start to get sweaty. Heavy comes back up with Dees drink "Here you go Dee! What do you think about Y/N isn't she cool." Dee started pushing Heavy away "I barley got to even talk to her now leave!" He shut the door and looked at me "I'm Dee, uhm i-" I tilt my head to the side "I know who you are, Heavy told me! I'm Y/N as you probably already know."

-Dee's POV-

"What do I say? How the fuck do I talk to people again?!" I thought to myself. I looked at my bookshelf, the same one she was so fascinated about. "Uhm do you like Steven king?" I ask it seemed like her face brightened up a bit "yeah I like his books! I like mystery and horror. Favorite genres." Y/N responded. I walked over to my bookshelf and pulled out a book
"W- well have you read per cemetery yet? I don't think it's as creepy as other but still good." I hold the book toward Y/N hoping she would take it.

-back to you-

He hands me a book by Steven king. I grab it and put it in my bag. "Thanks Dee, I thought you were going to be mean." Dee smiles "ahem, I'm not usually nice so don't get to used to it." He looks away and frowns. "That's amusing" I say as I start to laugh. He looks at me flustered "it's not funny  Y/N!"

-After an hour-

Me and Dee were enjoying our time together. He was kinda rude and sarcastic but it was all so intriguing. Dee was sitting on his window "Soo
Y/N what do your parents do?" I sat down on his bed "well my father a scientist and mother a musician." I say in a tired tone. Dee looks up from his phone "my dad's a music teacher. Is your mom one too?" I look up at the ceiling "kinda she mostly does instrument repairs. But she loves music as do I."

Dee gets up "you like music? What bands you listen to!" He sounded really excited, which made me less nervous. "Well I enjoy korn,soad,
(y/f/b)." He sat down at his desk but turned his chair to look at me. I looked at him, I quite enjoyed looking at him. He has such soft hair and pretty blue eyes, he does his makeup nice and dark which makes his eyes look brighter. He even has such cute freckles.

I was focused on his freckles I didn't even realized how red he was getting "Y/N your staring wayyy to hard right now. What's wrong with you?" I rub my face "yea sorry I was just trying to remember what I was going to ask." Dee got up and was covering his mouth "what were you going to ask?" I stood up too "uh yeah what genre of music you listen to?" Dee looked awkward "Well I enjoy Death metal, Nu metal, Alt metal you know." He chuckles, he might be a little rude and a little know-it-all but he is nice once you get to get to know him.

We spent hours talking about our likes and dislikes. Every now and then Heavy would come and talk, and sometimes argue with Dee. We soon realized that we are going the same school, as soon as summer break ends. "So I don't usually do this, especially to people I just met. But would you like to be friends?" Dee asked, we were on his roof just chilling "Dee I thought we were already friends?" We burst out laughing even though it wasn't funny. I guess we were just being awkward.

"Oh god Dee look at the time! I spent most of my day talking to you!" Dee climbed back into his window and held his hand out for me to grab. "Thanks Dee, also thanks for this hoodie it was cold. Would you like it back?" Dee shook his head "No I have plenty. Let me walk you hom" Dee walks over to his desk to get a piece of paper and wrote something, then he put it in his pocket.

"Ok let's go, lemme get my jacket first." We head downstairs to leave. Vicky and Glam was playing some board game, with some guy. Glam looked over to me "Oh Y/N! I didn't realize you were still here!" I walk over "Oh yeah me and Dee were just talking all day." Vicky was losing her temper with the strange dirty looking man "I rolled a four why are you WINNING!" I giggled, Glam calmed Vicky down "Y/N this is chive our family friend!" I wave hello as I was exhausted, "Hello little lady." He looked high but cool "I'm going to be right back, I'm going to take Y/N home." Glam gave Dee a wink and Dee's face went straight to pink. I giggled, we headed straight out the door. It was dark, almost pitch black, I loved it.

"You like the dark huh?" Dee asked I skip ahead of him "I love the dark, the rain, storms!" I say to him "Relaxing to me, the heat bothers me." Dee smirks "well since your house is close it isn't such a journey." He chuckles "yeah maybe sometime we could sneak out to some creepy places at night." "Heh yeah... Oh wait before you go back." Dee gives me the note from earlier then heads back to his house....

(A/N: sorry for any misspellings and punctuation errors I was very tired and I was like very off track today •×•)

-complicated- Dee x Reader (Laid Off Story :/)Where stories live. Discover now