"Well, you can believe that if you want to but if I end up on the front page of the Hartford Courier for having a mental breakdown because of having anyone around to unload to or flunking out because I don't have anyone to race GPA-s with, you'll know why," Paris confessed, expressing in her own way that she was going to miss her.

"Goodby, Paris," Rory chimed, not needing a guilt trip right now. It was bad enough to know how her mother felt about this decision.

With a groan Rory sat back down at her desk at their home office, and focused her attention back on the press-release that needed to go out tonight.

Along with the majority of her shopping done the following day - having zero need to bother with fitting everything in her backpack or packing in a lady-like manner for all contingencies as it had been in the two previous summers with her mother or grandmother respectively, Rory and Logan flew to Paris first class a couple of days later. It felt liberating, even if at this point they were doing exactly what Lorelai had always been against - the frivolous spending trust-fund kids did.

But they did more than just spend. And when they spent, it wasn't necessarily on ridiculous things either.

They took in the sunset after a walk by the Seine with a bottle of wine they'd bought from the supermarket, picnicked at the Luxembourg gardens eating simple but delicious chocolate croissants, looked at paintings at Musée de la Vie Romantique, caught a classic film at Le Champo, mocking it mercilessly, and went through the at least a dozen quirky bookstores in search for curious finds and rarities, many of which Rory had flashed her credit card for. Even her grandfather would approve of that.

They dined at the La Tour d'Argent with the view of the Notre-Dame and at the Le Jardin de Montreuil, trying out both more classical and homier settings that were both equally romantic. It was kind of like a pre-honeymoon of sorts - it couldn't have been much more perfect like that.

And all that just over the first weekend.

The bubble stayed around them even after the weekend was through and they took the train to London, aiming to catch up with Colin and Finn, but experienced a notable reality check once Rory's inbox flooded with work-related requests, having promised to keep up with her part time internship obligations from afar. But Logan was forgiving - it was not like he minded spending time with the guys by himself.

They'd been in London for four days by now, and about a half of that, the nights excluded, Rory had spent cooped up in the very nice hotel room at the Savoy, whilst Logan was out. But it wasn't like Logan to complain, but it was definitely like Rory to fret and feel guilty about not experiencing this holiday to the fullest, offering her funnest self as company.

"Hey, you're back!" Rory exclaimed excitedly, hearing Logan arrive back to the hotel room from the Lamb & Flag in Covent Garden around 10 PM one evening.

"Hey. You almost finished?" Logan bent down over her shoulder, kissing her in greeting, whilst he could see Rory's eyes still plastered onto the screen in front of her. Yet another draft.

"Almost," Rory chimed, having just tasted Guiness on his tongue.

Their hotel room was big and comfortable, and Rory had turned the desk and couch into a working station for herself, a room service tray being evidence of the fact that she hadn't made it out for dinner.

Logan wanted to allow her to finish, deciding to get changed to shower in the meanwhile and change into something a little more comfortable. He was happy Rory was there with him, but he could tell for Rory all this traveling wasn't half as much fun when she had that internship, she'd already spent a month at working her way up from making calls to field organizer and now to a PR assistant. But Rory never did anything half-way, and this was no different. The part time volunteer role was taking at least 2/3rds of her time.

Cute MeetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora