Mela--Blazing Face

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(Note:This takes place right after you defeat Mela/The Fire Crew)

"Oh, it's you again."

You stand in front of the large gates, watching over the site of the former Fire Crew base. Earlier, a pretty intense storm you weren't aware of beforehand began pouring down, forcing you to flee back to the base in need of shelter. You are now completely soaked as a result of the approaching rain. The fiery-haired girl gave you a curious gaze as she looked down at you. You are a little embarrassed to be presenting yourself in such a state, though you're not entirely sure why. She exuded this passionate energy from the moment you first saw her during your battle, which you found, to put it mildly, admirable.

"Hey, so I know I kind of just...disbanded your group, but could I maybe stay here until the storm lets up?"

By saying this, you fully anticipate her declining, and you wouldn't hold it against her.



She doesn't display any signs of resentment when you look up at her; rather, you instead detect a tad of interest. You give her a moment of stunned attention before expressing your sincere gratitude. She asks you to follow her as she turns around, and you gladly comply. She leads you to one of the base's larger structures and invites you inside. As you enter, you notice that there are many items and posters with fire themes throughout the space. Additionally, you notice a sizable Arcanine plushie and chuckle a little because you weren't expecting something so adorable, but Mela shoots you a glare that quickly silences you.

"Erm...I'll get you some towels." Pink dusting her freckled cheeks, she dashes off to another room. You release Mimikyu, your partner, and play with it briefly while you wait. Mela comes back into the room with two large white towels and hands them to you.

"Thanks so much; I'm honestly surprised you let me stay." While drying yourself and your Mimikyu, you give her a thankful glance. "I kind of assumed you would dislike me due to... you know."

"Jeez, who do you take me for?" Back on the nearby bed, she sprawled out. "You won fair and square; that's all there is to it."

"I will admit, you looked really cool during that battle; I found myself kind of distracted sometimes." Once Mela remained silent for a few seconds, you realized how forward that sounded. "I-i mean, your outfit is really out there, so it's hard not to stare at it."

Your body stiffened as she sat up and leaned forward, appearing to be evaluating your words. Soon, she finally answered.

"Yeah, a lot of people think my style is strange."

"Not that it's a bad thing, of course." You quickly correct yourself. "Oh, I've also been meaning to ask, why did you join Team Star?"

She gives you a slight glance and answers. "Due to the rumors that students would spread about me because of my appearance, I joined Team Star and met people I can actually call friends." She stretches her arms and yawns. "Not like those fake bitches."

You flinch a little at the harsh choice of words but begin to understand. "Yeah, I think I understand now."

"Now it's time for me to ask you a question."


Mela gave you a curious look and stood in front of you before speaking, "Your face has been red this entire time; what's up with that?"

You almost cough on air. Have you really been flushing unknowingly the entire time? As you try to come up with an acceptable response, your brain malfunctions.

"Um, I'm just a bit warm is all..."

"Yeah no. You literally just came in from the rain, and I have air conditioning." The situation is definitely not being helped by her as she leans in and gives you a stern look. Your face becomes considerably more red as she glares into your eyes. You struggle to come up with another rebuttal but ultimately come up empty.



At this point, you give up.

"Because you're hot, goddammit!"

The intensity of your remark has Mela looking visibly surprised. When she realizes what you just said, you can see the wheels in her head start to turn. However, she soon breaks into a grin that is both smug and teasing. You have a sudden desire to vanish forever into the earth. You blush incredibly and cover your face with your hands in shame.

"Okay, I see what this is now." She chuckles a little and you groan in embarrassment. Your hands are removed from your face and she leans in while grabbing your wrists. "Well, I wouldn't be opposed to giving some of that attention you seem to desire from me." You made a small squeak as she shifted her grip from your wrists to your hands and started to caress them.

"Would you like that, darling?"

"Y-yes, I would." Your face remained as tomato red as you cast a downward glance.

"Good girl~"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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