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It's been months since I last saw king after our argument and I missed my friend, this days have been the worse , I was on oxygen    everyday now , since my lungs were failing me , according to the doctor I was a fighter I have refused to give up holding on to any thread of life I saw .

I went in and out of consciousness  , barely knowing what happened around me an IV tube was attached to my arm to keep me hydrated since food was out of it .

I had told my mom that when my time started to approach , I didn't want to spend them in the hospital but at my home surround and reminded of how much I was loved .

My personal nurse who took care of me came to check up on me and today was one of those days where I was concious and could hold a conversation .

" I have a letter from the hospital for you Mira " my nurse , miss grace said handing me a white envelope .

I thanked her and she left I  contemplated opening the letter  and looked at it but my interest was piqued when I saw who it was from .

It was from grandpa . I was devastated when I heard of his death a few weeks ago , sad that I couldn't go visit him because of my health and also because he was alone when he died .

I hurriedly opened the letter happy I had something to remember him with , even if it wouldn't be long before I joined him .

Dear miracle,

I couldn't leave without giving you a little something to hold on to , even tho I know it won't be long before you are here with me .

I might have been gone before you receive this letter , I want you to know I died a happy abd fulfilled man .

I'm happy to have met you my pretty girl  , for the few times I met you , you gave me a family and I'm happy to know I found a grand daughter in you .

I want you to live to the fullest , be happy with the little time you have here .

Impact on others and most importantly spend time with your loved ones .

That is the only thing I regret not having spent time with my family , but I'm happy I got time with you .

And yes I finally had that whiskey and it was worth it .

Don't hold grudges life is too short for those .

I'm waiting for you on this side .

Till we meet again dear .


Grand pa .

I closed the letter with tears dropping out of my eyes ,  my grand pa was really gone and just like he said grudges were a waste of time because life was too short .

I had someone to show or maybe tell since I couldn't move just how privileged he was to still be here on earth  .

Just a filler ....

Incase y'all were wondering what happened to grandpa , there you have it , he's gone to the beautiful great beyond .

It was so sad and difficult to kill him .

I think all writers experience this , the pain of having to kill a character especially when you have come to fall in love with them .
But we have to , if we want to stay in plot  .

Don't forget that little star


Thank you ❤️✌️

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