Fifth battle

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I got outside  feeling the cold air nip at my skin , I took in the streets of Lagos , the hustle and bustle of the citizens ,  one day not too far from now , I won't be around to witness it . I heard foot steps I turned back to see mom looking at me ....
  " How are you feeling?" She asked

" I feel better , I don't know what would have happened if you weren't there " .

" Let's thank God that I was there then , you should go to the hospital so  Mr Johnson can take a look " she said

" Yea I will later , I'm a bit hungry "  I replied

" I made scrambled eggs just the way you like it , I'm on my to the market to get food stuffs , we have run out of things in the kitchen " she said and I decided to take a good look at her indeed she was dressed .

" Thanks mummy , if you get home and don't find me , just know I went to the hospital " . I said ,  with that she left and went into the kitchen to get the bag she would use to pack her grocery at the market and then she left .

I went back Into the house , straight to the kitchen and dished my self a plate of eggs with bread and a bottle of mineral drink  , I ate the food with so much fervor ,I couldn't remember the last time I had such a large appetite after eating I decided to rest a bit , I dozed off .

It was around noon when I woke up I could hear rustling in the kitchen indication that mom was home . I went down to see her

" When did you get home ?"  I asked    " About an hour ago " she replied

" I will go dress up and head to the hospital , I booked an appointment with Dr Johnson at 3 o' clock "  I said that and head to my room to  freshen up then dress up .

After a few minutes I was out of my house heading to the hospital , I was going to take public transport because I was advised not to drive in my condition .

I got into the famous Danfo of Lagos state Nigeria , and took a seat by the window , the bus was far from safe for the road , it was old and rickety , the
Chairs were rusty and not comfortable at all  but then if you want to move around in lagos you either get used to it or buy your own car .

After another few minutes , the bus was filled with commuters and we drove off , a little bit into the journey the conductor , a young boy not older than 19  who seemed like he hadn't had a bath in forever stretched out his hand requesting for his money

" Oya make una dey bring una money oo , I no get change oo "  he said in the famous Nigerian pidgin English peculiar to the people of warri in delta state Nigeria  , he had a permanent scowl on his face which I have come to believe was his everyday facial expression . The other people in the bus started giving their money and collecting their change I put my hand in my purse and produced a crisp Five hundred naira note that I didn't intend to spend because of how new it looked  .  I handed my money to him and he gave me a glare 

" Wetin I talk now , I talk  am say I no get change " 
He said

" How can you not have change , that's five hundred naira , I'm sure you have three hundred naira to give me " I replied

" Madam , I no dey follow you play ooo , find two hundred give me " he said tossing the money to me

" E be like say you no wan get payment for the bus wey I enter " I replied in fluent pidgin and glared back at him .

We arrived at the bus stop and everybody started to alight , I made my way to get off the bus but the conductor held on to my hand , I immediately withdrew my hands from him as and glared at him

" What " 

" You wan comot for here you no pay me "

I put my hand into my purse hanging on my shoulder and brought out the same five hundred naira

He scoffed " I don tell you say I no get change " he said   his voice an octave higher 

" I no get another money , either you collect it or you leave it , I don't have another one to give you "

" See this Ajebutter oo , this place na trenches , I go beat you anyhow , better give me my money " he said grabbing my arm forcefully , I snatched my hand from him

" Na who you dey call Ajebutter , I be street babe , no do any how for my side , you fit collect "  I replied getting angrier

" Collect the money wey she dey give you now  , no be change full your hand "  one if the passerby who stopped to watch our little exchange said

" I just dey collect am because I no dey like follow woman exchange words "  he said and I handed him the money , he took it and handed me my change .

I was so pissed , he wasted my time for absolutely no reason  " you dey craze , something dey worry you for head , your mama no give you better home training , idiot "  I hurled insult at him and walked away to the hospital .

I got into the hospital and suddenly felt a wave of nausea hit me it was horrible , I hated being in the hospital

" Excuse me miss Jemima , I have an appointment with Dr Johnson for 3 o' clock " I said , she looked up at me and smiled  " miracle , of course yes , he's waiting for you "  I  replied and head up to the doctor's office .

" Hello Dr Johnson "  I greeted  " miracle come in " he said I went in and took my seat  " your mom called me said you had a little incident this morning , care to explain " he asked

" This morning I woke up struggling for breath , I couldn't breathe , it was like my lungs weren't working right , I honestly thought I was going to die  " I replied

" I want you to know that what happened this morning will be a common occurrence , your lungs are becoming weak because of the cancer , soon you might not be able to breathe on your own , I just want you to take care of yourself and make sure you use your mask from time to time , there isn't much we can do until you stop breathing "  he said

I swallowed the lump in throat , I hated this hospital appointments always hurling bad news in my face

" Thanks Dr Johnson , I will be on my way "

" Your welcome " I stood up to leave

" Miracle?" He called , I turned to him

" I'm sorry "  he said and I gave him a tight lipped smile and left .

I hurriedly made my way outside the outside , holding my hands over my mouth , I had the strongest urge to vomit but I refused to just as I was about to step out my face met with a person's chest and let me tell you it was a hard chest , my head was aching and the bump didn't make it any better .

" Are you blind or something ?" I asked the stranger , he stepped away from me and scoffed

" Am I blind , you were the one who bumped into me , if I didn't know better I'd say you were doing it on purpose " I was slightly shocked because the voice sounded familiar , I looked up and the bluest eyes I ever saw was looking down on me and smirking ...

I had the strongest urge to slap it off his face  .

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