Twelveth battle

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I was dancing in the bathroom while having my bath , for some odd reason I woke up in a beautiful mood , it was like I could see the light at the end of the tunnel , even tho there was no light at the end of any tunnel , not for me atleast , I had my bath , came out feeling refreshed , I put on my clothes and hurried outside to the living room , I made my way to the kitchen where my mom was cooking up a storm .

" What's cooking?" I asked while sniffing the air

" I'm making spaghetti " she replied , a big grin took over my face , spaghetti was one of my favorite foods , I quickly wolfed down my food and took my plates to the sink and washed them out .

" Someone is in a good mood today" my mom stated a knowing smile taking over her face , " is it that boy that brought you home yesterday?"

" Mom!" I covered my face with my palms " how did you even know that"  I asked

" Mothers' always knows all" she replied , just then my phone dinged indicating a message notification from king

From disturbance: I'm outside your house , where are you?

Me: I never agreed to any plans with you

From disturbance: better get your ass out here , if not I go com inside that place com carry you .

I left the message on read and took a deep breath. I really didn't have the strength for king .

I hurriedly ate my breakfast , well aware I kept king waiting  , I took my time to make sure the kitchen was clean before I left the house after saying good bye to my mother.

" What took you so long ? I was already starting to grow grey hairs" he  said , I glared at him , letting him know that I didn't want to be outside with him .

" You can glare all you want , you are still going out with me" he stated .

" Where are you taking me?" I asked 

" You will see " he replied and grabbed my hand , I followed like a lost puppy ,soon enough we got to a clearing , it was an open field ,with little green grasses scattered on the ground , little birds flying across the sky , singing their beautiful melodies . King dropped to the ground in a lying position and patted his side , just like him I dropped to the ground and listened to the silence , it is said that if you listen long enough you will hear the silence speak to you .

" Feel that?" He asked

"Feel what ?"  

" The peace and quite" he replied

" Why did you bring me here." I asked

"Way to ruin the moment " he said sitting up and I did same  , " well I brought you here because I found it yesterday and thought you might like it "   .

" It's beautiful and calm here , I could come here to read " I replied .

" So , you have never told me about your parents ..." He said more than asked ,I looked at him for a while contemplating off I should tell him the truth or just skip around the question , I decided on the former .

" My dad is dead , he died when I was 14 , my mom is pretty much all I have except if you count my aunty and her daughter , they can be very bitchy " I said , I turned to him and saw that pitiful look I hated to see on people's face .

" I  am sorry  , it must be hard to leave without your father " he replied .

" It's fine , it's a long time time now , I'm twenty, so I have learned to live with it "  I said and lay back down ,  I looked down at the screen of my phone and discovered it was almost evening , I looked up at the sky , it was an orange hue , the sun was about to set .

" How about you , your family ?" 

" They are good " he replied vaguely and I took that as a sign , he didn't want to share anything about his family so I changed the topic .

" The sky is beautiful , could you take a picture of me ?" I asked, handing my phone over to him .

I made a few pose and he snapped a few shot .

" Here , hope you like them" he said and handed my phone back to me.

I looked through the pictures and discovered they were beautiful, even though I looked dead on them ,the scenery around me was captivating , this was definitely going to go to Instagram and Facebook.

" Do you want to leave , it's getting chilly and you don't have proper clothing" he said

" Yea sure , we can leave" i said getting to my feet while he helped drag me up .

" Thank you for taking me here , it was beautiful , hope to come back here sometime"  before it's too late but that part he didn't have to know

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