⇠Ghost NSFW headcannons⇢

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CW:Not proofread, nsfw


• Rough, but mature enough to never take it over an unpleasant edge. Knives and uniforms have their place on the battlefield but not in the bedroom; here he's no Lt or Ghost, he's Simon Riley. A lover and partner.

• You may grow frustrated the first few times you make love, as his thrusts remain gentle and his behaviour controlled. He lets you pout and complain but won't budge.

• It's... A slow process coaxing him into letting go. As much as his mind borders on turning into a mess, he watches with keen eyes, gauges your cues; the moment you pat the mattress twice he'll stop no questions asked.

• It comes naturally that his hand rests on your throat. Eyes widen as they look to you for a reaction, a frown, a nod, anything. Let it be the latter and it'll stay right there, give an experimental squeeze every now and then, timed with his thrusts.

• Hard to see anything beneath the layers of mask and balaclava - the way his eyes track and undress you, wondering how nicely your back curves when your face is pressed into a pillow. All it takes is you bending over just right for him to hum. That's tonight's plans sorted.

• Ghost is a simple man. No fancy get up or lingerie needed to get him in the mood. He'll savour the sight for just a moment, says he's got the image burnt into his mind when you protest as he rips the seams without hesitation.

• To him, sex is like candy the doctor keeps at his desk: Sweet, unbearingly so, and yet he finds himself addicted to the taste on his tongue, takes one whenever he feels like it.

• Your neck and shoulders will be kept clean of any marks. Ghost is, after all, a man of conduct and sticks to such at all times. Your hips and thighs though? Oh, those will be decorated in plenty.

• Make up sex? Make up sex. His cock buries within you, teeth nibbling your chest and inbetween heated breaths you may just hear a "sorry" and "I didn't mean to".

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