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miggy wiggy's point of view:

          we finally pull away from that long ass kiss and take a moment to breathe.

y/n: "you wanna get out of here?"

miguel: "yes please."

          we walk to a nearby gas station trying to ignore the confused, judgmental stares from strangers. ( cause yall are walking around casually in a homecoming dress and suit like idiots 😊 ) as soon as we walk in, y/n wobbles straight to the slushy machine tired from dancing.

y/n: "blue raspberry is definitely the best flavor", she says while sitting on the counter. i just stare at her mesmerized.

miguel: "..i just want to kiss you right now."
( ew don't ever say that again. )

          she smiled and pulls me in by my neck tie. god she made my knees go weak for a second. im falling for her hard. she gasps and pulls away when we accidentally knock over her slushy all over her expensive dress. "fuck! i'm gonna go try wash it out in the restroom. be right back."

          i've been waiting for y/n to come out of the restroom for quite a while now i was getting worried. fuck man, was kissing me so gross she is now barfing her guts out?

          i walk over to the restoom door and knock loudly, "hey y/n? are you okay? are you SHITING?" i said the last part a little too loud and now everyone in the gas station is staring at me. i open the door when i realized the door was unlocked. ( miguel what if she was actually taking a shit. ) i hear soft snoring. SIKE
i lied, her snoring was so loud that i thought a bear broke in. i see her on the floor with the faucet still running, completely passed out. ( this dumb bitch fell asleep on the dirty gas station BATHROOM floor while washing her dress ) i take out my phone and started taking pictures of her to make fun of her later. i turn off the faucet and pick her up bridal style, puting her gently in the uber i called earlier.

time skip- you guys arrive at his house and miguel let you sleep on his bed until you woke up

y/n: "shit where am i?", i say while yawning.

miguel: "my bed 😏", he wiggles his eyebrows creepily up and down as a joke. ( plz stop you are scaring the poor girl. )

y/n: "oh.."

          we just sit in silence after that until i said, "hey y/n, why didn't you accept my number that i gave you?" y/n bolts straight up and looks at me confused.


author's notes:
i think this is where i end it. to all the people who took time out of there day to waste time on this book, just know that i respect and love everyone of you guys. even the ones that held my head at gunpoint until i updated another chapter again. bye guys!! thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!

oh who is she? -miguel cazarez moraWhere stories live. Discover now