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Dandelions blowing in the wind,

Dandelions dancing softly as it's withered ends threatened to fly off and far away.

Dandelions are yellow and fuzzy, too gentle and kind for their own good.

Dandelions are white and puffy, wary, anxious and curious.

In a field, these dandelions make the sun look dull in yellow.

In a field, these dandelions look plain but make the sky shine an even greater blue.

One is very much alive,

One is very much hanging on a thread.

I kiss it's golden sunshine yellow, it made me feel warm and joyful,

And I kiss it's soft cloud white, making me feel empty and dull.

Dandelions are different,

Different from each other,

Different personalities,

Different looks,

Different spirits,

Different everything.

So why must they be so similar?

Why must they have things in common?

Do you know why they are that way?

Won't you tell me?.. my dear old friend?

Why do we seem the same as these mysterious plants?

I was the gentle and kind, always having at least some kind of yellow on me, as I was told.

You were the same, up until recently..

Now you're weary, not even anxious or curious, just.. at rest..

Your expression is dull, your face ghostly pale but you seem fine, although you aren't at all.

You're dressed in black, I am all the same.

You're laying in a casket, the edges covered in yellow flowers of all kind, the bright sunshine dandelions sticking out the most.

I stand here before you, tears welled in my eyes, ready to cascade down like crashes of a waterfall,

a yellow keychain was held tightly in my hand, I never want to let go.

You are finally at peace, your suffering has come to an end.

I just never thought I would see the day we're not together,

And that our adventures would last.

But, I'm sure I'll see you on the other side some day,

And we will continue these adventures we had once.

Hello! Since I have writing block I've decided to post some old things in hopes that people will enjoy most of it:))

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