Chapter 33: Star City

Start from the beginning

"We have been struck with an explosive projectile" Gideon came on.

"No kidding" Ray said as you all attempted to stand up.

"Everyone get strapped in now" Rip instructed.

You went to stand up when you see a hand reach out in front of you. It was Leonard's.

"I'm good" you said standing the rest of the way up and hurrying to take a seat. Instead of your usual spot next to Leonard you went over to take a seat next to Ray. He looked at you sort of confused for a second and then over to Leonard but quickly let it drop as you strapped in.

"Were in the temporal zone. I don't understand no one should be able to--" Rip was cut off with another loud bang.

Gideon informed us that it was Chronos again and began firing counter measures. After a minute Gideon came back on and said while we had lost him, his missile was still following us.

"Initiating evasive maneuvers" Rip said to no one in particular.

The shaking of the ship just did not seem to stop.

"Ah vodka was a bad choice" Ray said struggling next to you.

Gideon began to count till the impact of the missile. "Three, two, one..."

You braced for impact, but none came. Just a slight nudge of the ship. 

"Sir we've just been knocked out of the time stream" Gideon said to Rip.

"What does that mean?" Kendra asked.

"It means were crash landing in place and time" Rip said somewhat emotionless.

"Again?" you said sighing.

After landing safely you and the team make it out of the ship and enter a city. You liked city life; however, this city was on fire.

"Gideon camouflage the ship" Rip said "this doesn't look like the type of place we want to linger out in the open."

You walked further into the city when Ray and Sara started recognizing some of the buildings.

"That looks a lot like a Palmer Tech building but why does it have a Smoak logo written on it?" Ray asked confused.

"Wait." Sara said suddenly realizing. "This is Star City. I thought you said the timeline was safe?" she said now looking towards Rip.

"Yeah, Star City was intact in 2016." Rip got out a device looking at it "this... this is 2046."

"Don't move!" a masked figure says jumping onto a car.

Rip immediately points his gun at him as you all stop walking.

"Oh, thank god" Sara says relieved for a second taking a few steps towards him before the masked figure repeats "I said don't move."

Sara stopped taken aback.

"It's me. Its Sara."

"Hey Oliver look," Ray begins "I know it's been a long time, but don't you remember that Rip Hunter recruited us to become legends?"

Finally, he steps into the light, and you see a man who is not Oliver Queen. "I never heard of any legends." He then shoots an arrow in your general direction before it hits its target behind you guys and explodes.

Mick was the quickest and shot his heat gun right at him. The Green Arrow took a different approach and shot an arrow into the air creating a line he used to slide up and away from you.

"Get back" you hear Rip yell as you all clamor to hide behind something.

The Green Arrow got closer and started to shoot more arrows.

This goes on for a minute or two until Rip yells "we need to return to the ship" and you all make a run for it. 

Once aboard the Waverider you all make your way to the council room which was still smoking with sparks flying from the hits it took.

"Alright Rip" Sara started "tell us the truth."

"You've all seen how the timeline is malleable, in flux until it is set. Well, this future is not set. Remember when I told you it was dangerous for any of you to know too much about your own futures? Well, the events that you dread could very well come to be due to your actions to prevent them." Rip tried to explain.

"You know what I think?" Mick started "I think you think too much."

"Believe me when I tell you that the best thing for yourselves and for this mission is to make the repairs to the Waverider here in 2046 then head back to your own timeline and make sure none of this ever comes to be."

Sounded like a good idea to you. You hoped this would give you time to clear your head as you were still stewing from being mad a Leonard. 


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