5- Deskpartner (High School AU)

Start from the beginning

Before you were about to do so, you noticed Scaramouche didn't go either. He was playing games on his phone.

You decided to ask him, "Don't you have friends to hangout with?"

"I could ask you the same, but to answer your stupid question, no, and I dont wanna 'hang out' with anybody" he replied.

"Rude much," you thought.

"Wanna be my friend?" you ask.


You wanted to annoy him to entertain yourself.

"What game are you playing?"

"None of your buisness."


"Because I said so, can you stop talking to me?"

"Hm, nah, don't think so."

You were internally laughing at his face, he looks like he's about to explode from anger. How can one get mad so easily?

But you were curious, what game is he playing?

You peek over quickly, before he could hide his phone from you.

He was playing Genshin Impact. (lmao)


"I play Genshin too, want my UID?"


He froze for a bit.

"FINE. Only if it makes you shut up."

"Okayyy okaaay."

You open Genshin Impact, and show him your UID. He sends you a friend request, and you accept.

Both you and him finish your comissions and resin together, on artifacts that is.

He actually got along with you now.

"You got a healer or shielder on you? Mine aren't built yet" he says.

"Yeah, I do."

Wow, you actually managed to tame him.

He's a Wanderer main.

"Huh, he isn't too bad when you get to know him."


Since then you two became best buds.

Infact, you became so close, that he wouldn't mind you sitting on his lap, you and him hang out almost everyday.

Some ginger-haired guy would also tag along sometimes, mainly to annoy Scara, but you and him are friends now too.



Having friends around isn't too bad eh? You laugh as you watch Scaramouche trying to strangle Tartaglia.

You and him hangout at eachother's places too.

Ah, yes, sleepovers are quite fun too. Watching movies together, and playing genshin till 1 AM-

Scaramouche is quite the bright student too, he's got all straight A's.

(Except for literature, he hates that subject.)

If you beg him enough, he'll even tutor you sometimes.

Though, often, the tutoring session is just him scolding you for being dumb. But he actually does help save your grades.

You didnt mind his scoldings though. You were catching feelings for him after all.


Last day of school.

There were no classes today. Everyone was just saying goodbye to eachother before they part ways for the winter break.

Some would go out of town to visit their families, some would stay at home, but you two,

you both were sitting next to eachother, planning your entire winter together, with big, evil, grins on your faces.

"There's a new mall in town lately, I heard theres a lazer tag arena too" he says.


"The team who wins, gets 500,000 mora, 3,000 primogems, and some actual cash. It's sponsored by Genshin."

"Oh you know we're going" you say.

Both of you evilly grin at each other.

You know you both are gonna team up as some evil duo and bully everyone else in the arena.

The entire class thinks you both are psychopaths.

But it's fine.

The final bell rings.

Everyone leaves the classroom.

Outside, you can see everyone saying goodbye to eachother for the long winter break, except you two. You two aren't separating, ever.

You both were the only people, talking cheerfully with eachother, planning your next meeting.

On the way home,

You reach the park,

it was empty. It seems like no one would go to the park this late in the evening.

You both were walking side by side, laughing at eachother's jokes. You both had the same sence of humour.

In the midst of your jokes and conversations, Scaramouche stops and grabs your wrist.

Well that was sudden.

"Hey by the way, listen, I have something to say."

You turn around and look at him

"What's up?"

"I uhh..."

You could see a tint of bright pink on his cheeks.

This was the moment, it's hapenning.

"How do I say this without sounding cringe?" he asks.

"I dunno man, take your time I g-guess?" you try not to sound too flustered.


He turns toward you, and grabs your shoulders.

"I uhhh.. I think you're really cool and I uh- I... wanted to ask-"

He looks like he's about to die.

"damn it-" he whispers under his breath.


"Heck yeah."

You cut him off.


"I'll be your girlfriend. I like you too."



"DUH. You've been my best friend since what feels like forever. I caught feelings for you too, you know-"

His hands are still on your shoulders.

He pulls you close and hugs your waist, TIGHT.

He places his head on your shoulder, and whispers,

"I love you, stupid"

"I love you too."

(btw, both of you wipe everyone out at the lazer tag arena and win, as a couple ofc lmao.)




well whatever-


[WANDERER x fem!reader] Oneshots+HeadcannonsWhere stories live. Discover now