I Covered my ears as I started to glitch out, lefty noticing,
"AGUR! "
"AH! will you stop ringing things?! " baby said
As my head continues to glitch out. "WOW! Clover are you alright?! " ballora said making everyone look at me "Orville! " baby yelled.
"Y.. Yeah! Ugh sorry I don't know what happened there heh? Anyhoo ima go!"I said getting on the stage " you sure that was some bad glitching " Spring Bonnie warned me. "Yeah it was probably just the bell" I answer back, I as I started
"TwirLAH!" I yelled as molten tripped me making me hit the floor"why are you, Piece of Metal Junk!" I yelled getting up from the floor. "You shouldn't be talking, Ms Glitching out"
"I'm gunna shove-"
"And that's my que! " lefty said dragging me off the stage leaving molten snickering at me,"and that will be mom?" "sorry Clover.sense you didn't do it fully"
"It's fine at least I can take these skirts off-" "nope! " baby said "what?!"
"um My turn! " spring Bonnie said jumping on stage
Twirl! "

"that wasn't a full twirl but.. " Bryan whispers. As I smacked his knee as Spring Bonnie punched him in the arm "hey clover, HEY OW SPRING BONNIE! " he yelled in pain "that's what you get for being so narcissistic! " Spring Bonnie yelled at him ash Bryan started to mock him. "Oh ok Bryan! " lefty said sitting up "I'll do it again! " spring Bonnie told him hitting him again "ok go Bryan if your so good! " I yelled "yeah Bryan go!"
"Oh it's my turn oh" he said clueless standing on the stage. As he started to sing the way he was going as everyone started to clap. Slowly "awww flowers for me" started to hear a dark and scratchy voice, "ok is it my turn now? Yay! "
"Hehehe.. Break a leg!
Brake a leg" Bryan said I smacked him "hey!-"
As she finished I clapped and cheered so did Ned bear. "Yay! " Ned bear cheered . Lefty shaking his head in approval. Bryan mumbling something. "Good effort baby! Good effort... " he told her as I hear the Voice again "Are you ok? " left ask S. Bonnie "you hear that too lefty? "
"Um did I do a good job? " baby asked spring Bonnie. "Are you ok dad?" Lefty asked him
"Um yeah you did great" he said in a darker voice

"Go ballora! Who won? " I cheered "go mom! "

"So the person who got the part... "
"It starts with an L" lefty said "
"No.. It's baby! "
"WHATATn?! " Bryan yelled "Ow Bryan! My Ears! god  damn it! " I said covering my non-showing ears, walking to a party table "oh... Hehe. Sorry but What?! " as everyone cheered as the red fox sat next to you "how's yours ears doing for ya?" He said
"Better if Bryan yells again that's probably going to be the last of me, like that alarm"
"Ya that's Bryan for ya" "Oh clover, Hey Foxy! "
"Hey lefty" we started to talk while the others were arguing with Bryan.

Bryan started to cry because he didn't win foxy started cracking up, I started laughing cause of the kind of laugh foxy has. "He reminds me of my brother" I whisper to lefty "you have a brother?! What did he look like? "
"He was... Was.. "
I closed my eyes

Your part of this:

I opened them to a dark room with a faceless hairless boy the color white like paper waiting to be colored.

'Cmon? You can't remember your own brother?!  You can't remember what he looks like?! Just make something up!'
the same deep scratchy voice mocked me
"No! I remember.. I don't remember! " red oil like tears started coming down my eyes. Everything starting to glitch the kids face showed up but it wasn't his

The TFF Gang!:

"Was... Was.. " just I see her fall to the ground arms holding her "Whoa there buddy? Clover? Um Bryan! "

"What the!? Is she alright?" Foxy asked towering over me and clover. Blood? Or red oil came out of her eye socket."What now leftAHHH!" Bryan yelled high pitched.
As she started to glitch. "Bryan stop yelling! Baby yelled at him. " what happened?! "
"I don't know one second we were chatting and laughing and now she's like this! " I yelled "Oh oH my! Her back is ah! "  Ned bear yelled as she sat up straight starting  me. "Are you alright!? "
Everyone started asking questions. And then it all stops waiting for an answer.

".... "

Nothing, "umm, clover? " Bryan asked. Then I remembered "Bryan started acting spoil like a sibling!" I told him "lefty this isn't a time for jokes " "do what the bear says! " molten yelled at him "um. Noooo! I want it!! Mommm! Please! " Bryan whined
"Ugh... What the? "
"Clover your alright! " I said hugging her, as everyone hugged her as well "um alright from what? " she asked "what? You shut off right here, there's oil stains on your eye socket! " Bryan told her but she just looked confused "Oh clover you don't remember" I said popping the clover out for ballora baby molten. "No? Can I get up now? " she asked as we all spread apart "how about we play some murder mystery? "
Bryan asked "How about Clover stays so. I can see what happens, alright everyone? " spring Bonnie suggests as we all agreed "can I stay?" I asked "um sure? Let's go to parts and service, " he said as we 3 followed him as the rest left with Bryan. "Okk Clover sits down right there, then I'm going to power you off alright? " he asked as she nodded her head, she powered off "are you going to look at her coding or her endo?" I asked "hmmm, molten? "
"How about we see what up with her endo to see why  she glitches a bunch" he suggests.
Once he opened the back a baddd small flood the room

Oh that was an awful! Awful! Ideas.

~•hey angle here sorry I didn't post soon, but the next chapter won't be based on one of his videos, this one ima make and Will be some details oh a dead corpse and it might not be tomorrow sense it 4am for me and ya be make sure to sleep! •~

A wild ride, OC x TheFamousfilmsWhere stories live. Discover now