Fisher and Striker x Pure! Cartoon! Reader

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A/N: Yello! It's me again! Happy New Year!! As of Christmas break is ending, school starts again, so I apologize for having late updates soooo yea. Anyways, my favorite person, @botwfan263, requested this. This takes place after Joey destroyed the studio and Henry arrives. Joey, being a jerk, made all the cartoon characters into monsters, expect one, you. Just one look at you and he didn't have the heart to monsterize you. Ages : Up to y'all. Reader will have They/Them pronouns for this, gender neutral Y/n. No Stricker or Fisher POV's because I think they speak gibberish or gargle. Warning: this is short. I promise to make longer ones in the future. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy!

Y/n's POV

As I walk through the inky hall, I listen for any sort of movement. I clutched my Boris plushy for comfort, hoping it was a nightmare. This once happy studio was sick and twisted thanks to Joey. I heard grunting and gargles. Fearing it was Bendy, I rushed into a miracle box and waited. But what I saw shocked me. It was a Striker and a Fisher! Not only that, but the same Striker and Fisher that I kept seeing that last sixteen times. They seemed to be looking for something....but what? As they turned to leave, I felt relieved and started to breathe normally again. Once I was certain they left, I got out. Big mistake. I forgot that the place was soooooo dusty that I sneezed. That's when I heard running again. I tried to go back in the miracle box but something was blocking it. And I lost my axe! I turned to see the duo again. They kept getting closer and closer. "P-please! Don't hurt me" I say. They kept getting closer. As they did, the room got dustier. I then sneezed three times in a row. Once I was done, I looked up to they had stopped, staring at me with wide eyes. Then they blushed. Fisher had it's hand to it's chest, quietly, what sounded like, high pitched squealing, even though it was a gargling groan. Striker just started in awe while fanboying. I looked confused and they looked like they would die. "Nooooo! Don't die! I'm sorry!" I then hugged them. Sure they would try to attack me but that didn't mean I don't care for them. I do and always will. They hugged back but let me go. Fisher seemed to looked at something a walk to it. Striker kept signaling for another hug, which I did. Fisher came back with my Boris plushy. "Aww." I say, gently taking the plushy, "Thank you." I then kissed his cheek. He seemed flustered. I giggle at them before turning around to a pouty Striker. Sighing, I walk up to him, and gave him a kiss on hi cheek too. "There you go!" I say making a cute face. Striker then go a nosebleed, made out of ink, and fainted. Fisher just stood there, clearly broken an trying to piece it together. I then turn to leave. "Bye guys! See ya around!" I left with a smile on my face, knowing I will see them again sometime soon.


AAAAAAAAAAHHH! I AM ALIIIIIIIIIIIIVE. Phew.... This took forever and I apologize. My wifi has been crappy and I had to restart from scratch. Also high school's been a pain. Thank you again botwfan263 for the request! I do again apologize for the story being so short. Hope y'all have an amazing day/afternoon/evening!


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