"We had a movie night last night, I went to see if you were awake but I saw you were sleeping and your face is tear stained" she gave me a sad look, I loved Nat she was always so caring to the other avengers. Clint and Nat were like the parents of all of us.

I stood up and she gave me a hug "if you need to talk about it im here" she said before breaking the hug. "Thank you Nat, and im fine it was just a hard night- but just don't tell anyone else please. I don't need them worrying" she nodded and walked out.

I got ready and changed, I went to look at the cuts. I threw the bandages away, they were still bleeding a little but had a scratch on them.

I felt bad for doing it, I've never had trouble with mental health but life has been getting hard and I needed to do it.

All I could think about while getting dressed and brushing my teeth was that dream, I had completely forgotten about that memory. I did have high grades but that's because it was easy.

I missed Alejo a lot.

I walked out to kitchen to see Nat cuddling with Bucky, I knew they've been getting close but I thought they were dating since forever-

I went to go grab Frosted Flakes when Sabrina came over to me "I would say your bloated but- I think your naturally like that" she hummed and grabbed her cereal.

Sabrina had always been skinnier than me but I'm not overweight, I've always been around 10 pounds underweight.

I looked at my stomach and realized I was a little bloated. I was also wearing a tight crop top with sweats so that didn't make it any better. I sighed and put the cereal away, I don't even look bad!

I just grabbed a protein bar and sat near Pietro and Wanda. "You not hungry?" Pietro asked before eating his cereal "no, I ate late last night" I lied.

Nat gave me a weird look before I turned away.

After about thirty minutes of talking to Pietro, Wanda, and Sabrina I wanted to go on a run. I decided to take the trail I took a few days ago. I put in a long sleeve crop top just in case someone saw.

I put in my AirPods and put on my favorite playlist, I let all my thoughts disappear into thin air and just focused on Billie Eilish's voice fill my head.

I turned down the trail where I tripped last time and kept walking. About 50 meters later on a Turn I saw something on the corner of my eye, I quickly turned my head to see what it was. Nothing was there.

I shook my head and kept jogging, I kept seeing somebody in the corner of my eyes "who's there!" I yelled after taking an AirPod out.

No one responded and no one was there, thinking about it more deeply I didn't even hear any leaves except for the squirrels and me.

I burrowed my eyebrows before I continued running.

I took a quick break and put my hands on my knees, I closed my eyes and started thinking about the dream I had last night, I couldn't stop thinking about his dead body right under me, his blood all over my hands and the people screaming.

I let out a deep breath before standing back up straight and sighing, I was about to run again when I heard something.

I turned around and saw Alejo standing there, blood all over him. His face was all blacked out.

"Alejo?" I walked up to him with a ghost white face. "You killed me TeTe" he sounded like he was in pain "you didn't do enough. You didn't save me" he glitched up to me and I jumped back.

I closed my eyes when he reached his hand out and touched me "this isn't real this is real" I kept repeating.

I felt a hand go threw me and I screamed in pain before he disappeared and I fell to the ground.

My eyes were still squinted shut, when I looked back up I saw a woman with black hair screaming in a fire "Tessy! Tessy!" She screamed at me.

Only my mom called me Tessy. "Mom? Mom!" I stood up and ran to her "help me!" "Help me Tessy! Please!" She cried and screamed out in agony.

"Mom!" I screamed while rushing into the fire. I felt burns and I fell to the ground and closed my eyes, while I was on my hands and knees.

I opened my eyes, mom and the fire was gone. "Mom?" I called out. I saw someone behind me and quickly stood up. He glitched in front of me making me jump back again.

"You killed me and our parents" he put another hand on my abdomen and I screamed in agony before my hands turned to fire. The trees lit on fire and the grass around me did too, it turned to ice and then grew vines before blowing like a tornado was around.

I fell to the ground while his hand felt like it was pulling out my organs, everything around me was fire and ice.

"Stop!" I screamed before curling in the fetal position on the ground, my shirt was all bloody and I felt blood starting coming up my throat.

1521 words

Broken trust Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora