
4 0 0

You guys ready


First item is corn

And go

Am I anywhere near your mouth Ashton said

Em hmm

You started eating the cob of corn

And time


That was good

You like corn huh

Yeah I've loved since I was like 5

I didn't know you liked corn Y/N Michael said

Team Mr. and Mrs. Irwin win this round

Of course they won

He has corn lover Luke said pointing to you

You laugh

Ok Switch

Ew what is this

It's cream of mushroom soup

It looks more like cream of mushroom puke to me Ashton said

You laugh

And go

Here comes the airplane you giggle

He ate it


Gimme the bucket

Ashton spit so did Calum Luke and Michael

Not big cream of mushroom soup fans huh

Seems like not

How do Americans eat this

Cause they do

I loved it when I first tried it

Niall hated it

Ashton laughed

He seems like that kind of guy

Right Michael said

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